Too old for boxing?


White Belt
Jul 29, 2018
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Hi this is my first post on this forum and my first question is :
I am 18 , am I too old to start boxing? Next thing is my body I am really tall about 195cm but I am really skinny guy I weight only around 67 kg I think I am too weak. I used to do karate when I was younger it was fun but I always wanted to become boxer since I saw Rocky as a kid .This summer I am in London so I was thinking that I could take some lessons and then continue at my country.

Ps: Sry for bad english I am from Slovakia.
18? Ya you are definitely too old, you should just curl up in your wheelchair at the old folks home and drink warm milk while talking about your time in the great war, on the days you can remember anyway.
18? Ya you are definitely too old, you should just curl up in your wheelchair at the old folks home and drink warm milk while talking about your time in the great war, on the days you can remember anyway.
:angelic: Ok mate I will buy wheelchair tommorow
I've a gentleman who started training with me in muay thai at the age of 67. He just turned 70.
If he can start training at 67 I think you most likely will do ok at 18 if you truly want to train.
Why on earth do people always ask what instance in any walk of life is 18 considered old...
If your goal is to go to the Olympics, then you're probably too late to start.
If your goals are a bit more realistic than that, you're fine.
We have a 1st Dan who took her first lesson when she was in her late 60's. She's 75 now. We have another who is 62 now, and took her first lesson when she was in her early 50's.
i think bernard hopkins started way older than that and he became world champion. the only limits are ones you make for yourself, do what you love as long as you can so you will have no regrets when you are older.
At 195cm (6'5") you'll have a decent reach to work with.

And weight, do some work, it'll build.

Can't do anything about your age though, definitely so far past it you need a telescope to see it...
I am 40 and thinking of adding some boxing to my routine.

18... not to old just get in there and do it
Now.... heres a think

If you ask yourself "am i told old for....."

Does that mean that you should be doing that art????
Hi this is my first post on this forum and my first question is :
I am 18 , am I too old to start boxing? Next thing is my body I am really tall about 195cm but I am really skinny guy I weight only around 67 kg I think I am too weak. I used to do karate when I was younger it was fun but I always wanted to become boxer since I saw Rocky as a kid .This summer I am in London so I was thinking that I could take some lessons and then continue at my country.

Ps: Sry for bad english I am from Slovakia.
Absolutely not too old in the slightest mate, go for it! And as for height and weight I wouldn't even consider that a factor. Enjoy yourself bud, let us know how you go with it too :).

Ah and welcome to the forums!

Yeah, I've been eyeing a gym near me that offers boxing and BJJ. I'm currently 48.
Ah man that's awesome, definitely check out some of their classes hey, do let us know if you get into it Gerry :)
18? Ya you are definitely too old, you should just curl up in your wheelchair at the old folks home and drink warm milk while talking about your time in the great war, on the days you can remember anyway.
You forgot soaking his feet in epsom salt to relieve his gout.
Hi this is my first post on this forum and my first question is :
I am 18 , am I too old to start boxing? Next thing is my body I am really tall about 195cm but I am really skinny guy I weight only around 67 kg I think I am too weak. I used to do karate when I was younger it was fun but I always wanted to become boxer since I saw Rocky as a kid .This summer I am in London so I was thinking that I could take some lessons and then continue at my country.

Ps: Sry for bad english I am from Slovakia.

I tend to avoid these threads because..well.... I have a and leather jackets twice as old as you are ...heck I have a pair of LL Bean light hiking boots that are older than you are too...

NO!!! you are not to old...start boxing

I know a guy that started Aikido at 60 and got his black belt in his 70s......I also know a guy that started JKD in his late 50s and he is loving much as you probably hate hearing this....your still a kid and mighty darn durable and bendy.... go box...