-To get even-



I wanted to know what you think of getting even, This is the thing, Since i started MA no one has messed with me at all fighting probles pritty much went away. My problem is befor i joined MA i ran into problems , For one over a year ago when i didnt have all my close friends . This kid that was a year older then me and a grade higher then me slaped me because some other kid said he can kick my *** and then i said naa and he told the older kid and he slaped me in the face and NOW i can kick that guys *** without a problem and he is still a cocky basterd , should i go and do what my heart is telling me to and give him the beat down of a life time what do you guys think. Some other storys would be nice if you can find them linked to my problem.:soapbox:
sorry needed to make the time line better
Firstly, think about this.....

What do you have to prove by kicking his ***?

Dont just go kick his *** because you can now. That stupid and completly the wrong reason for doing MA. If you know you can kick his *** then be contempt with knowing. However if he comes and trys it with you and it comes to it, then kick his ***. Just dont leave evidence. :D
Originally posted by Judo-kid

I wanted to know what you think of getting even, This is the thing, Since i started MA no one has messed with me at all fighting probles pritty much went away. My problem is befor i joined MA i ran into problems , For one over a year ago when i didnt have all my close friends . This kid that was a year older then me and a grade higher then me slaped me because some other kid said he can kick my *** and then i said naa and he told the older kid and he slaped me in the face and NOW i can kick that guys *** without a problem and he is still a cocky basterd , should i go and do what my heart is telling me to and give him the beat down of a life time what do you guys think. Some other storys would be nice if you can find them linked to my problem.:soapbox:

I agree that revenge is the total oposite reason to be doing MA. You don't have to kic khis *** now. You know you can, and probly most of your friends know you can, so what does it matter. He will learn one day that his cocky bastardly ways will get him in trouble. Believe me, it will be way better than an *** kicking by you now!

If he's not bothering you now, then there is no point at all. Being cocky isn't enough to kick somebodys ***. Leave him alone, he knows he'll be in trouble if he tries anything.

Originally posted by Judo-kid
I wanted to know what you think of getting even, This is the thing, Since i started MA no one has messed with me at all fighting probles pritty much went away. My problem is befor i joined MA i ran into problems , For one over a year ago when i didnt have all my close friends . This kid that was a year older then me and a grade higher then me slaped me because some other kid said he can kick my *** and then i said naa and he told the older kid and he slaped me in the face and NOW i can kick that guys *** without a problem and he is still a cocky basterd , should i go and do what my heart is telling me to and give him the beat down of a life time what do you guys think. Some other storys would be nice if you can find them linked to my problem.

Go kick his @ss if you want but be prepared to face the consequences of your actions. Personally I don't think it's worth it but you might. Myself, I stay calm and cool until I don't have to be anymore. But why go out of my way to do work I don't have to?
It's not worth it dude. You don't train to kick other peoples a@@es. "Martial arts are not for hurting others, to keep others from hurting you." Delve deeper in the martial arts, and you might learn what it means to be tough, strong, and most importantly a good human being. You can dance and still be tough :)
leave him alone. If you kick his ***, that gives him a reason to show up with four of his buddies and kick yours. if it isn't a problem now, let it go.
Originally posted by Judo-kid

I wanted to know what you think of getting even, This is the thing, Since i started MA no one has messed with me at all fighting probles pritty much went away. My problem is befor i joined MA i ran into problems , For one over a year ago when i didnt have all my close friends . This kid that was a year older then me and a grade higher then me slaped me because some other kid said he can kick my *** and then i said naa and he told the older kid and he slaped me in the face and NOW i can kick that guys *** without a problem and he is still a cocky basterd , should i go and do what my heart is telling me to and give him the beat down of a life time what do you guys think. Some other storys would be nice if you can find them linked to my problem.:soapbox:

I can not belive this child.........

I do not know who has trained him but they should be ashamed at his lack of disciplin.

Kid, your attitude is not conductive to MA, you have the attitude of a bully and a thug. The founder of Aikido once kept his teachings private so that "They would not fall onto the hands of thugs and hoodlums" right now by what you are saying you fall into this catagory. You may have some trainign in martial arts but you seem to have missed THE most important lesson: The ability to maim and kill MUST come with the disciplin to know when to maim and kill. You seem to have missed this lesson and I would suggest that you walk back to your dojo with head bowed in humility and beg your sensei to teach you what you have missed.

Despair Bear
"The common man gets his revenge at once. The superior man waits seven years".

The point being that if you still hold a grudge that long, and it still burns that hot in you, then maybe the cause is just enough.

However, this situation doesn't sound like it.

Trust me. I have someone in my life that has caused more problems than he is worth--been putting my family through legal and financial HELL for two years, and it is far from over. This is a person of little redeeming value, who has basically robbed everything from me that he could, and has leveled slanderous claims about my wife--and aired them in a public forum. This is a man who, in my opinion, is the epitome of the Shakespeare quote: "Methinks thou art a general offence, and every man should beat thee".

I will never touch him. I WANT to. I YEARN to. I DREAM of it.

But it will never happen. Fate will do far worse to him than I will. Your situation is the same. Face it. This guy is a jerk, and may be for many, many years to come. Let him be one. Beating on him won't help change that, and it really won't even make you feel any better. Let it go. Be bigger than the jerk.

Man, this post is gonna be full of quotes. So be it. An Ed Parker story: Ed Parker was talking with Joe Hyams, and drew two lines for Joe, saying one represented the opponent, and one represented Joe. SGM Parker then asked how Joe would shorten his opponent's line. After Joe had proposed many ways, SGM Parker drew extensions on Joe's line, making it longer. His solution? Lengthen your own line--that will make your opponent's shorter. The moral as applied to you? Make yourself better, and let the jerk stay where he is. Become a superior man, and let it be evident. He won't be able to touch you.

Living well is STILL the best revenge.

My apologies for the rant!

Worse yet, what if you go and try to beat him up and he pummels you? Then you'll look like twice the fool for starting a fight AND losing. Training in MA doesn't mean you can beat ANYONE up.

Your cocky attitude isn't conducive to being succesful at anything. I would agree with one of the other poster's that your teacher should be ashamed of himself for his lack of discipline and humility he has instilled in you by green belt.
I agree with the posters that getting even is not right but I wanted to add that I somewhat understand where you are coming from.

In high school, I had a nemesis who used to pick on me, throw things at me, call me names, etc. I didn't do anything about it.

I'm a few uears older now, and I saw him at a high school reunion. It was funny because he kind of tried to pick on me again. I just laughed because it was funny to look at how silly he looked now that I am older. Even though he caused me much pain and grief those years ago, I just thought to myself, "how silly is this guy who's still trying to bother me."

I just ignored him and thought to myself that he really hadn't grown up in the years since high school.

In any case, don't fight...you may want to, but don't do it. When you look back on this in the future, you'll be glad you didn't.

"Hey motherF###er You remember me from Kindergarten. "(punches him in the face)

Great scene from Good will hunting

Seems like a close parallel doesn't it. I personally Only have two people On my "revenge list". Both of those are people who Beat the crap out of women very close to me. Even those two I don't know if I would cross the road to kick the crap out of them but I realize it wouldn't take much to convince me. So I guess revenge is bad but I am human (or so I am told, nobody believes I am really a demi-god sent down from Olympus to judge you mortals)

So let's say you DO kick this guy's *** -- then what? What have you gained? IMO, not much....

Look at it from another point of view -- let's say you see him, jump him, and beat the crap out of him. You could be facing a sh**load of legal problems -- it wasn't self-defense, it was straight up assault. You break a bone, and in my state, you automatically get charged with a felony. The prosecutors find out you have martial arts training and did this, and they'll come after you TWICE as hard....

If you're doing this simply because he's cocky and embarassed you, my advice is to GROW UP. It's not worth your time, effort, or anything else to deal with this guy.

Just my thoughts....

If you were to die today, would you rather be remembered for perpetuating good will, or madness? Bullies don't remember their victims, for they are only fighting their own demons. Ya wanna be a demon?:confused:
Part of me wants to encourage you to beat the crap outta the guy because I was the victim of bullies all throughout my childhood and have a major chip on my shoulder but..... deep down I know it's wrong, and since then I have encountered far more evil in man than mere bullying and if I can restrain myself from killing pedophiles and rapists that have hurt those close to me then I guess you can restrain yourself from seeking revenge for a slap.

....my point is, there are more important things to turn to violence for than an insult or sting of a slap. Don't let the little stuff bother you because there's going to be much more serious stuff in your life to worry about.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Instead of focusing on revenge, i have a better suggestion for you. Spend some time working on your spelling, grammar and punctuation. This may sound mean and maybe even petty, but for a teenager you need a lot fo work on your written communication skills.
I understand both points of view: do and dont. But its mentally hard to deal with getting picked on when you cant do anything back. Now that he can do something back, he can get rid of that grudge. Its 2 years later, hes still talking about it. I have an experience like that which afterwards, i took my angers out on the wrong people. I honostly think you should. BUT, you cant just hit someone out of the blue. I know that the MAers reading this disagree strongly
As a pre-adolescent from a big elementary school in Dallas to a tiny little school in a one-horse town, I got bullied alot. I already had training in martial arts, and a strong religious background. Turning the other cheek only worked so long...

I got cornered in the boys room by five kids who were determined to beat the crap outta me (bear in mind I had taken several butt-kickings by this point)- I decided enough was enough and I slaughtered these punks, culminating in putting a brick in the back of the head of the last kid trying to run away across the schoolyard. I was wrong, but I had no choice. I got suspended for a week and my parents had to go before the school board. I was only defending myself, but got into alot of trouble because of how successfully I did it. To this day I still think I did the right thing, but feel I let my rage get the better of me.

The sad part is, I would probably do the same thing again if it happened the same way today. That's why I consider myself the tiger hoping to become the dragon. I never got picked on again, though.