To cup or not to cup?

I don't put my bottoms on till the cup goes on. I picked up a tuckunder type cup. Lot more comfortable. And if you sit just right, you do get your taint tickled :uhyeah:
I wear the padded jock-strap. I feel a cup is too dangerous for martial arts use.
I have gone to not wearing the cup at all. You need to learn how to protect your essentials some how. A cup is a false sense of security.
Never worn one. Course, I've also learned how to take a shot to the bits once in a while in that too. hehe.
chinto01 said:
I have gone to not wearing the cup at all. You need to learn how to protect your essentials some how. A cup is a false sense of security.

I disagree.

People wear mouthpieces and headgear when sparring all the time. That doesn't give them a false sense of security insofar as protecting their heads. Would we suggest that pro boxers are being unwise in wearing that gear during their training sessions?

This is probably the third time I've posted this in the year or so I've been here, but as a person who has suffered a crushed testicle from sparring, I fully endorse wearing a cup.

We're not talking just a light shot to the 'nads here, guys. It can render you sterile, ruin about a month of your life, and even kill you. It almost killed me.

Wear the cup. When you get nailed there it still hurts--the difference is the degree of injury. You still learn to protect yourself when wearing it. It doesn't make you Superman and you become keenly aware of that rather quickly. You also reflect afterwards how bad it would have been without the cup.

Ditch the antiquated notions about it giving you a false sense of security and shell out the ten bucks or so for a good cup. Wearing one doesn't kill the reflex to protect your little loved ones.


Hello, The first time I spar, got hit without the cup. "Boy" did I go down, quit right after that, 30 years ago. Did go back a few times, today I always wear a cup, foolish not too. Saw a ad for a bullet proof cup once, heard steel cups can crack. Today we use the baseball type cups. .....Aloha

Always keep your cup full.....? Got Pepsi
From one who has done my share of hitting guys in the jewels, I would prefer they wear the cup and I'm sure they did. In fact, one would-be father was wearing one, one night when I hit him with a cup on and he was out pretty much the rest of the night. He now has two kids which is the point of this. We call the cup the lifesaver because why risk something as precious as that? TW