Tiger Woods Family Xmas Pic

And his wife is not under arrest? Not defending the character of the man by any means but violent assault with a deadly weapon causing actual bodily harm is okay if a wronged woman does it?

Ah, but Teh Tigre claimed his wife used the golf club to free his sorry *** from his wrecked vehicle, did he not? He took full responsibility for the accident and his injuries.

My *personal* suspicion is that she found out about things, came after him with a golf club and beat his ***, he tried to run and passed out from a head injury he got from the club wielded by his wife. It's interesting that the airbags in his SUV did not deploy. He must not have been going very fast (perhaps Rich Parsons could educate us a bit more on this).

In some states, if the spouse doesn't want to press charges, the officers will not arrest the spouse nor press charges - I don't know if Florida is one of those states. I can tell you California was that way when I was there - wouldn't even file a police report even though a knife was involved.

If she beat his *** because she found out he was a cheater, then she should be arrested and charged with domestic violence.

Sorry, honey ... no scumbag is worth that much sweat.

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