Good MT shops in NY


Orange Belt
Oct 29, 2008
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Im going to New york for xmas, any good martials arts shop i should visit.?
Im ofcause looking for MT stuff. :)
Maybe some Tshirt or gloves.
Its a turist visit.
not sure about mt, but if you are in NYC stop by BLT Training and Bok Lei Po... they are both in the heart of chinatown. then have some dim sum.

I dont know of any shops for that but if your looking for a tourist experience I suggest you see if anything is going on at Peggy Chows Fight house while your here. Its in chinatown and they host local MT fights as well as some sideshow BJJ. When are you coming?
I'll be coming over 19 or 20 dec, and leave again at the 28 dec.
I'll be staying in NJ, and take a turist trip to NY, Manhatten.
You mean this place.

Maybe i'll give them a call, maybe they can give me a one on one training.
or do you know any other place that have some one on one training.