ti guan


Blue Belt
Jan 30, 2008
Reaction score
i don't know the right word to express this in eng.
the word "ti guan" means someone visits your training place asking you or your master to have a full contact fight.
in your training schools, have you ever met this situation? how do you or your master deal with it?
I've never experienced this. But if someone walked in with that intention, I'd probably have the police escort them away.
Depends on your sifu & school.

I would probably in today's time & age, do exactly with FC suggested.

If you're flying peacock feathers above your sun toi & they're open, then it's a matter of face for the sifu. He would almost have to deal with it if he believes in what they stand for. Things could go good, or they could go bad.

If there's no peacock feathers, no problem. Call the police & let them deal with it.

Mostly people in the past talked smack, but walked out when offered a senior student or any kind of response.

The US doesnt really see this much in general.

When I was practicing Kempo, we would have an open sparring night. Anyone could come in and bang with us. Often they would complain that we were far too heavy on contact. It would take time, but eventually they came to understand that what they were experiencing was 'light contact' or 'incidental contact'.

This would change their frame of reference and challenge the assumptions regarding their practice.

One gentleman who visited quite regularly became obsessed with matching with me every time he was in. He always tried to hit me as hard as he could. I think it was an ego bruiser for him that I simply ignored his hand technique altogether.

If people come in to the kung fu school these days, there is always room for discussion regarding an exchange of ideas, as far as I know.

Much better to make a friend than a corpse.

It depends on how they ask, doesn't it?