Throw Away That Cellphone Before It's Too Late!!


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Holy calling Hell Batman!
This guy decided to see what would happen when he microwaves his cellphone. He said that he thought that the results would be spectacular... but he (and I) never expected THIS! :xtrmshock

Aye, demons from hell inhabit our cell phones. Destroy them, destroy all of them do you hear, hurry, hurry before it's too late!
Holy ****, that is the coolest thing ever! Time to go find some things to microwave...

(It kinda DID look like a demon there at one point!)
So that's me sleeping with the katana by the bed tonight :lol:.
Mother! Come back home. All is forgiven.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Hell, I suspected tellner is a cultist, but Empty Hands??? Just how many of us are here?
Video is niiiice, I waaant one... would that qualify as a highly evolved independent shoggoth? Maybe activated by the microwaves which somehow had a frequency like whatever part of the Elder Things?
OMG! Was that real? There was a demon living in his phone!
Lets put it this way, I am not looking for an exorcist for my cell phone anytime soon :)

However I may throw it in the Hudson River soon but that has more to do with the fact I hate cell phones than any demon that may or may not be living in it. :D