Thoughts On These Products


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Jun 21, 2003
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Usually when I spar or doing bag work, I just wear gloves and don't wrap my hands. However, after a recent injury to my wrist, I think its time to invest in some handwraps to offer more support.

I've thought of the standard handwraps, but while doing some research online, I came across a few things, and I was looking to get some feedback from folks here. If anyone is familiar with any of these products, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts.

Thanks in advance. :)
I have the Evergel wraps for doing Muay Thai. I like them really well, they're comfortable and provide a lot of protection and wrist stability. My only complaint is it makes it really tough to get your gloves on and off. It's not such a big deal if you plan to leave them on a while but for instance, in my conditioning class, we're taking our gloves off and putting them back on several times over the course of an hour. It really slows things down.
I've never used those exact gloves, but I've used a pair of gloves that were similar to them...they were basically gloves with slight padding on the knuckles, and the strap wraps tightly around the wrist.

The pair that I used worked very well...and they didn't look as well made as the ones in the link you provided. Overall, I didn't have much finger restriction and was able to strike at full force.

Hope this helps!
If the EverGel wraps give as much wrist support as Frostbite says they do, I would go with them.

The other pair has a rather prominent looking pad over the Index and Middle knuckles that may snag the bag and forcibly extend your wrist.

Just my 2 cents.
Ever thought about doing wrist exercises to make your wrist as strong as you can get them? There are plenty of such exercises.
I'm with smith.
You should do some wrist exercises and forget about the gloves. I don't use them. I suggest something I saw in an old kung fu movie (it works amazingly well).
In the movie, a guy had to hold a ten foot pole with a hammer on the end to strike a bell. He couldn't do it, because his wrists weren't strong enough, but eventually he got it.
I suggest you go buy a big hardwood sword. (a heavy one) Like this one:
Then you hold the end of it, and only use your wrist to move it up and down. If you can't hold the end, then move up a little. When you get good at then, move it in circles.

I promise you won't need gloves for your wrist after that.
I haven't used gloves since I was a kid, and I only did that because it hurt to punch one of those huge sandbags. Now it wouldn't hurt, and since I don't have one, I punch trees XD
A 5 or ten pound sledgehammer will do the exact same thing. We used a five pound held at arms length then lifted by the wrist. Does wonders for sword work. My wrists are like wrought iron.

As an aside, my father had to undergo physical therapy for his Carpal tunnel surgery, with nothing but a 16 oz hammer, and a can of green beans, the humble curl can turn the wrists into rebar. His wrists are absolutely un-movable if he doesn't want to.

The problem I have with wraps, is that they can reinforce bad habits and lead to more serious injuries to the wrists later down the road.
Thanks for the feedback. :) I think I will invest in the wraps that Frostbite suggested. As for the, I havent done any, however, its not a bad idea. If anyone has any suggestions on some good ones, in addition to what was already mentioned, that'd be great. :)
Usually when I spar or doing bag work, I just wear gloves and don't wrap my hands. However, after a recent injury to my wrist, I think its time to invest in some handwraps to offer more support.

I've thought of the standard handwraps, but while doing some research online, I came across a few things, and I was looking to get some feedback from folks here. If anyone is familiar with any of these products, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts.

Thanks in advance. :)

I had a pair of the everlast ones, very comfortable. I liked them a lot but i prefer the regular hand wrap. While the "gloves" padded the knuckles more they didnt support the wrist as well as a hand wrap. I would go with the hand wrap and then maybe the "gloves" for extra support and padding if you like, but dont do just the "gloves"

my opinion

I'd reccommend both a product like these wraps & wrist stregnthening exercises. Both are waranted in your case.
I had a pair of the everlast ones, very comfortable. I liked them a lot but i prefer the regular hand wrap. While the "gloves" padded the knuckles more they didnt support the wrist as well as a hand wrap. I would go with the hand wrap and then maybe the "gloves" for extra support and padding if you like, but dont do just the "gloves"

my opinion


Well, it's worth mentioning that I was suggesting the Evergel wraps to be used under normal boxing gloves. In that sense, they provide pretty good support and lots of padding. I wouldn't recommend them by themselves for doing bag work either.
Thanks again for all the advise. :) However, it looks like I will not be doing any punching for at least 3-4 weeks. After a visit to the doc and some xrays today, nothing broke, but something got torn and will need time to heal.