Things that tweak my spindle.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score
Isle de la Moros
1. People who expect miracles, yet refuse to make an effort to make it happen.

2. People who think some invisible person is responsible for something as mundane as their minor fender bender.

3. People who think the world revolves around them.

4. People who think their right to believe as they wish gives them permission to force those beliefs on me.

5. Bigots, Racists, Chauvinists, Feminists, Anti-Semitics, and anyone who thinks criticizing Israel makes you one. Homophobes, germophobes, and those who think tapping someone on the shoulder is sexual harassment.

6. Democrats, Republicans, and every politician for the last 30 years.

7. 400 lb women in Japanese schoolgirl outfits at anime cons, 50 yr old men dressed like Harry Potter, and guys who need to introduce themselves by their martial arts title in public like it's a PHD from Harvard.

8. Forum Moderators, Site Admins, and BBS Sysops who think they are god, that their little corner of cyber space is "IT", and that life ends if you're banned.

9. Mac vs Windows vs Linux arguments. It's BSD people!

10. People squicked about Hef having teen twin girlfriends in his 80's. You wish you could be that rich, and that wanted now, never mind at 80.

11. Pet owners who treat their pets better than they treat family.

12. Censored Japanese Porn. Really. What's the point?

13. Socialists, Fascists, Liberals, Conservatives, Gun Nuts, and Anti Gun fanatics.

14. Deadbeats, Wimpies, Late Payers, Skips, Short Changers, Stiffs, Cheap Tippers, no tippers, Bankers, Brokers, Lobbyists, and the lot.

15. American Beer. Really. Why?

16. BudK. Pewter isn't good for swords.

You're Turn.
1. People who act like they know everything and that they're "all that"

2. People who will have a disability like A.D.D. but use it as a crutch or excuse for EVERYTHING instead of learning how to work through it.

3. Cheerleaders.

4. Arrogant people who yell and scream if someone cuts them off in traffic, but then do the same themselves and insist it's "their right" and the other drivers are slow and stupid.

5. People who think they're entitled to things just because they breathe.

6. Parents who don't discipline their kids and wonder why they're so "bad".

7. The sudden noise when a vaccum cleaner, hairdryer, or coffee grinder turns on.

8. Kids who are blackbelts (especially if they're multiple dan).

I'll probably think of more later.

People that will engage in an argument and will toss the "race card" when it appears that they are losing...
But the fender bender WAS caused by the invisible person! They jumped out, the driver swerved to avoid them, and struck another car... And the person who jumped out is never around to be seen... :shrug: :D
I enjoy the hate mail I've gotten. It made me feel all warm and specul. :D
15. American Beer. Really. Why?

Guys that argue over Budweiser Beer v. Miller Beer. That's like arguing as to whether Rosie O'Donnell or Roseanne Bar is hotter. Guys, grab a Two Hearted (American Beer) and google Vida Guerra!
You're Turn

Nope you pretty much got mine with

6. Democrats, Republicans, and every politician for the last 30 years.

9. Mac vs Windows vs Linux arguments. It's BSD people!.

And a few other assorted numbers in your post although I do not believe Bob deserves any hate mail for any reason. More like a drink and a thank you for putting up with this stuff, Lord knows I couldn&#8217;t do it.
Drivers that still have not learned to position their vehicles between the lines of any given parking space and take up 2 spaces..
1. People that get ALL their news/political/social information from Time Magazine.

2. Drunken frat boys.

3. Drunken sorority chicks.

4. Being out somewhere, and watching drunken frat boys hitting on drunken sorority chicks.

5. Name-droppers.

6. 40 y/o trust fund babies.

7. People who think they can fight because they watch UFC.

8. People who think they need the mental midget/tough guy attitude to train MMA.

9. Jimmy Fallon

10. Traveller kids who pick through the garbage for their meals, but use their dad's credit card to buy a latte' at Starbucks, while checking their email on their macbooks.

11. Limited palates.

12. Ugly babies.

13. People that scoff at my PBR, while they drink Budweiser.

14. The price of Delerium Tremens in St. Louis.

15. The fact that there is no coast line in St. Louis

16. Fuel dependency

17. Poser skateboarders... Almost as bad as unathletic MMA fanboys wearing Tapout gear in a bar.

18. Jubilee from the X-Men... she sucked at life.

19. Go-Bots

20. bad Indian food.
People who introduce themselves by their title in a situation where their title is irrelevant ("Hello, I am Doctor Tom Xenu" at a dinner party). Buncha self-promoting rank-pullers.
I thought of 2 more to tack onto my previous list.

9. Paris Hilton :dramaqueen:

10. Illegal aliens :tank:

Robyn :soapbox: