Things that tweak my spindle.

1. EMO-nuff said.

2.MMA fanboys that have never trained ANYTHING.

3.The Federal Govt.


5.People that deny global climate change.

6.Parents that ***** about their kids school, but then don't show up on family council night.

7.People who are scared of guns.
People who cite the Daily Show as a News Source.

Reality TV, which it's not. You wanna see survivor? Drop those bitches off in the jungle with a machete and a bottle of water and say "see ya!"

Buffy the Vampire Layer. No thats not a typo, Face it Buffy Fans, its a show about a slut who ****s vamipres instead of killing them. But only the hot ones.

Fox Television, who canceles every decent show that comes along in less than a season, but can't seem to drop CRAP like Buffy the Vampire Layer. (and thats still not a Typo)


The idea that every MP3 player is an Ipod. Dude... its Flying Disk, Adhesive Bandage Strip, powdered Soft Drink, and MP3 PLAYER.

Working for a living. I wanna sponge off the system too.

People who think Obama is god. Seriously... hes a human, I swear.

Michael Jackson's face. It creeps me out. It should be the basis for a horror film, like Shatner's was.

Commercials in movie theaters. Seriously? I just paid you 10 bucks to watch a coke ad, a national guard ad, a pepsi ad, a car ad, another car ad, an allstate insurance ad, and a Target Ad when I could have pirated the film, watched it for free, and not been subjected to that?

But the number one thing that Tweaks my Spindle...

Those DAMN back and forward buttons they are putting on the side of mice... and you just finish a giant forum post thats like 44 pages long, and all of a sudden you tap it by accident and *poof* no more post. They should call that bastard the "Erase Forum Post" button.

People who don't signal when turning left on roundabouts (I think you call them rotaries in the US?)

People who have no clue how to park a car correctly in a parking space.

Folk who hear I love hockey and then assume that (because I'm female) I watch it purely to ogle the players. Errrr, NO!

When people talk really really loudly on mobile phones. Why bother with the phone? They can hear you in the next county!

People who talk through films at the cinema. Yep, I paid £7 to listen about your crap life. Thanks.

When pubs insist they serve "real ale" just because they have John Smiths on draught. Er, no. That stuff is to real ale what McDonalds is to fine dining.

My biggest peeve at the moment (and I feel like putting it in CAPITALS as it winds me up so much) is when people decide they really, really need a hot dog at a crucial moment of a sports game and decide to push along past everyone on the row of seats. Because of ignorant, selfish people this weekend I missed seeing 2 goals at the hockey (one penalty shot) and one goal at football because someone was trying to squeeze past me just so they didn't have to wait an extra 3 seconds at the concession counter.
People that will engage in an argument and will toss the "race card" when it appears that they are losing...
You mean, asking a person for ID when selling them a drink has nothing to do with your job requirements, or state law, but is only being done because you're a bigot who wants to hassle someone with different color skin?
1. People who slam forum moderators and site admins. (it's a tough job)
True mate, but not all Admins and Mods are worthy of respect. Some are tin tyrants and web gods. Not here, but other sites aren't run as anything more than a hobby with the owners buddies the mods. I avoid those places when I can.
You mean, asking a person for ID when selling them a drink has nothing to do with your job requirements, or state law, but is only being done because you're a bigot who wants to hassle someone with different color skin?

According to them it is..It's even funnier when I pull them over because the plate I ran shows the owner has no privledges. I'm just doing it because of their skin color..Yep, when they gave me my badge they issued X-ray vision too...That's how I saw through the heavy tinted windows
You mean the windows that are tinted well beyond legal limits?
I have no beef with mods as I'm on only three forums, MT of course, Iain Abernethy's (who'd argue with him lol,) and Cagewarriors, the latter has no mods!
I hate able bodied people who take up disabled people's parking spaces in car parks.
I hate people with long toe nails.
I hate people (as others have said) who claim to be cage fighters when they don't even get off their backsides to train at anything.
I hate bigots, people who try to convert me to their religion, male chavinists, yummy mummies, drunks, patronising Guards Regiment officers, drunk drivers, paedophiles (with a passion), reality tv programmes, celebrities who are known for who they are shagging nothing else, WAGS.
I'm on nights tonight so expect a bigger list in the morning as I think about it for the whole of the 12 hour shift lol! Oh yes and I hate working nights on Saturdays when it was payday the day before!
There are few things that really, really tick me off.

4-Closed minded types
6-Clones (ie people who let others think for them)
7-Lazy People
10-My Government

Other than that I'm cool and froody.
People that drive hybrids 70 + miles per hour. If it is not a GM 2 Mode Hybrid that allows the electric motor to disengage and run just in gear then they are spending more energy to spin the motor so fast that no energy is coming out. Very inefficient. But it has the Hybrid Label so no matter what they do it is all good. (* Note: Beware SMUG Alert coming your way soon *)

People that are close minded

People that think they have a right to tell me what to believe. (* Note: this is much different than a police officer telling someone they are trespassing or assembling without the proper permit. *)

People who think ignorance of the law gives the right to do what they want.

People who think they can solve the problems with the world but they cannot balance their check book.

People who think that any specific fighting system or style is superior to another. The individual has more to do with it.

People who complain about the possible $30 billion for GM and $13 Billion for Chrysler and do not even know that AIG got $151 Billion up front came back for another $60 Billion and that is not part of the TARP monies. Now AIG is negotiating with the US Government to reorganize and not pay back the "loans" they were given. Nor do these people know that the least amount loaned to the banks during from the first round of TARP was more that the total given to the Auto industry to date.

Pwople who think that anyone can request monies from the TARP funds, i.e. repaving local roads - this would be part of the stimulus founds not the TARP funds.

People who make statements based upon ignorance to try to benfit themselves, but the issue is that they know they are ignorant they jsut WANT. i.e. Why does not the locals pave with Concrete versus Ashpalt? Because my daughter's neighbors friends in this neighborhood, you know that one on this street and ???? (* no matter what cross street is mentioned it is wrong as the place does not exist *) they got Concrete as it was cheaper and no levies were assigned against the home owners.

People who think that if your pour Concrete in the morning you can drive on it in the afternoon just like Ashpalt.

People who fight to not get their roads repaved in 1997 when it would have cost $1500. People whothen stop the process in 1999 as it now would cost $2400 and they want $1500 price. Then in 2001 the quote is $3000 so they want to go back to $1500 or maybe $2400. Then with lots of legal issues as 65% of the locals want to fix their roads and signed petitions get a quote of $5,500, but their counter suits take a couple of years so oil goes up so Asphalt goes up and the quote is $11,000. (* Gas was $4 / gallon *) Now with Gas down and oil down the estimate after $200,000 in engineering costs to get closer to real numbers it is $7,500. Now they want to delay it as they want $5,500 price. And the think the road commission was trying to make money off of them at $11,000 per house hold.

People who argue from an emotional staid point. i.e. They lost their job and they have this huge house and four cars and they are going to loose them and they cannot afford this new tax for the road. Note: average interst rate is expected to be set around 4% and given 10 years to repay. That is $750 a year Plus interest of $62.5 dollars a month plus interest. Given these "people" in trouble stop by and buy a $5 cup of coffee each morning, I wonder where they could find a place to save up this money to pay.

People who train in an art and then think they can fight, with no experience. Just becuase your instructor or others could fight does not mean you can. Even if you know the techniques very well in a controlled situation.

Not knowing if you are going to loose your job just because. 10% head count reduction on top of the previous reductions done in the last 6 months. If one knew they could make plans. But when 150,000 people working for hourly and salary wages do not know if they will loose their job or not they do not spend. From what everyone states the economy needs trust and spending. But with uncertainty, brings caution, and no spending.

Myself as I recognize that my actions and or words may have bothered some, so I will save you the time and place myself on the list. ;) :D

More later
People who are drug addicts.

Men who are wife beaters.

People who are politically correct without seriously analyzing how and why p.c. stupidness is destroying our great country, The U.S.A.

People who say they will do one thing then do another thing or never does it. ( probably because I was raised in a military/leo and a hardworking family. )

Socialism and communists.

People who claim they are good at something when they are not.

People who teach something with the intent and purpose of setting someone up to fail and not to win.

People who are underachievers. :rolleyes:
Men who teak their spindles in front of Gawd and everyone including women and children!
hippocrates....thats why I wont point my finger at someone else. :)
People who think that if your pour Concrete

I have a civil engineering buddy at work who goes nuts when people say this..."You place concrete and pour bourbon," he always says.

(Then recently he told me they now do have some concrete that could be considered pourable!)
Parents that allow their kids to create a disturbance in public and will not discipline them...
People who cant avoid correcting peoples spelling errors....:uhyeah: