The 'stabless' knife comes to England

Deaf Smith

Master of Arts
Apr 25, 2008
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The first “anti-stab” knife is to go on sale in Britain, designed to work as normal in the kitchen but to be ineffective as a weapon.

Yes! This will stop CRIME! No more temptation to stick your loved one with the all-so-available kitchen knife. We all know the easily available kitchen knife is the major cause of crime! The temptation to rid yourselves of those near you is so great you cannot control your urges. So this must be stopped!

Rid your kitchen of the terror that surrounds you. Get ‘anti-stab’ knifes and turn in your steak knives!

Do it for the children!

Eeeeyuw. Those look like a hideous rendition of the old sailors knives...the kind that were sharp on the sides but had a blunted or rounded tip so if the sailors had them on their person when they went for shoreleave, they would'nt be causing as much of a ruckus on land (insert Scollay Square story here).

Ugh. Heaven forbid someone need to use a knife know...home defense?
Well, obviously it's impossible to kill someone by, you know, slashing them with the blade, say, across the throat.

I just don't know why they haven't done the same with forks yet. I mean, they are all prong-y and you can take an eye out with them. Also, I'd like to see someone come up with "anti-boiling" hot water so no one will get scalded again. And if they would just invent an "anti-running-over-someone" car we'd be all set.

BTW, what kind of person thinks "Yeah, I better buy knives I - or someone I live with - can't kill people with"? That might be a sign of bigger problems to deal with, no?


Well, obviously it's impossible to kill someone by, you know, slashing them with the blade

Yeah, I would totally not know how to do that.

I suppose for the moment-of-anger attacks, it may result in lesser damage to the victim. We tend to think of using the knives in self-defense but they are used to attack too.

That having been said--de-knifing one's knife seems a bit silly to me. It's a knife!
I actually agree with one of the comments... It'd be a good tool for teaching cooking to kids and maybe even in school home economics classes.
Lets see nowÂ…people will now have to resort to using box cutters, utility knives, screw drivers, pointy sticks and forks to stab people with.

When they ban pointy sticks, let me knowÂ….then I know itÂ’s time for my revolution to succeed!!:rolleyes:
Sorry, I know I posted this video recently, but it seems so...appropriate.

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The first &#8220;anti-stab&#8221; knife is to go on sale in Britain, designed to work as normal in the kitchen but to be ineffective as a weapon.

, absolutely NOTHING is ineffective as a weapon. Thrust hard enough it'll penetrate the human body, it'd hurt like hell but it'd still penetrate. So calling it an Anti-stab or stabless shows ignorance of just how one can convert ANYTHING into a weapon.

Also as someone else has observed... one can slash and cut with these so they're just giving a gimmick.
I actually agree with one of the comments... It'd be a good tool for teaching cooking to kids and maybe even in school home economics classes.

Actually, the 'childrens kitchen knife' has been around for many years. The Japanese use them with young children. My own daughter had one with a pink handle and kittychan (Hello Kitty) pictures on the blade.
Lets see now&#8230;people will now have to resort to using box cutters, utility knives, screw drivers, pointy sticks and forks to stab people with.

When they ban pointy sticks, let me know&#8230;.then I know it&#8217;s time for my revolution to succeed!!:rolleyes:

Pointed Sticks?

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Actually, the 'childrens kitchen knife' has been around for many years. The Japanese use them with young children. My own daughter had one with a pink handle and kittychan (Hello Kitty) pictures on the blade.

Yep we've had then before too despite the news artricle.
And Deaf when are you going to realise "England" isn't the UK? perhaps I should start saying Texas when I mean the USA lol!
someone is trying to make some money out of the 'knife situation' we have here, can you blame then? perhaps, can you blame the whole country for one manufacturer, certainly not.
What the government dont understand that it is not the weapon that is dangerous, it is the INTENTION! Rather than educate people to avoid violence or having stricter sentences for such crimes, they are trying to make these ridiculous products! Anything can be used to hurt another human if you hit them hard enough with it in the right place. Pushing a pencil into someones throat, pushing a needle into someones neck, hitting someones head off a wall, pushing them infront of a car, using a lighter on someones clothes, the list goes on and on!

We will soon live in a world where everything around us is bubble wrapped incase we get hurt, and food will be in liquid form to avoid knives incase someone gets cut.
What the people on here don't seem to understand thats IT'S NOT A GOVERNMENT INITIATIVE!!. It's a manufacturer who wants to make some money that has brought this out (thought that was an American ideal btw?) he submitted it for testing to a govenment many others do.. and they said yeah it does what you said it does or doesn't if you want to look at it like that.
Only the manufacturer who is aiming to sell loads is plugging this as an anti crime knife nobody here is stupid to enough to think selling these will stop crime only many of you seem to be insulting enough to think we are really thinking this will save lives. Get real people....this is a man out to make money,not a government trying to stop crime, just because the research place says it's 'fit for purpose' as are a lot of other things don't go mistaking a money making enterprise with the governments initiatives on crime.

As for the doctors that want to ban knives, they also want to ban boxing, MMA and martial arts so guess how much notice we take of them?
A dull knife will still cut it just means you have to push harder down.

A pointy thing still goes thru something you just might have to push harder.

If it can cut veggies it should have problem going thru human skin.

I am sure there will be plenty of people trying it out on others.
Personally I think the pen is mightier than the sword.

Easier to carry and just as effective when shoved through an eye.
Aye, this is a strangely twisted news report.

As Tez said, there has been some talk in circles advising the government on an initiative to de-point knives but it was so resoundingly dismissed it never went anywhere (to my knowledge).

It's a 'canny' move by the manufacturer to play on the gullability of some people by taking advantage of the high profile reporting of knive crime (which has been tantermount to fear mongering in my opinion).
Aye, this is a strangely twisted news report.

As Tez said, there has been some talk in circles advising the government on an initiative to de-point knives but it was so resoundingly dismissed it never went anywhere (to my knowledge).

It's a 'canny' move by the manufacturer to play on the gullability of some people by taking advantage of the high profile reporting of knive crime (which has been tantermount to fear mongering in my opinion).

Thats the one!! :uhyeah:
What the people on here don't seem to understand thats IT'S NOT A GOVERNMENT INITIATIVE!!

There's a huge govt. initiative there to reduce knife crime by banning carry of knives. This was called for by the medical community and is in response to that. The knives seen here may not have been procured by the U.K. govt., but overall the initiative is there!

By the way, from a purely engineering point-of-view this seems like a good solution to the perceived problem!