The show down



I want to see a show down of all MAs, Not UFC but people that are masters of there art , same size same wt. Go at it, This would be great i would pay to watch this type of event somthing where its not ufc yet it sorta is, Like Blood sport the movie , What do you guys think of my idea and is there anything like that out there,.
Remember, this is the age where people sue each other over the littlest of things.

There would be SO many restrictions/safety measures in place that a "real" showdown would be questionable at best. Not to mention that each art is going to ask for some concessions, and there will be arts that complain that you have taken too much away from them or limited them too much.

On top of that, such fights would hardly limit the "my style is the best" arguments--there are always bad days, pure luck, and those with natural gifts that will skew the results.

Yeah, that would be entertaining in concept to see all those different MA in one place, "fighting" each other. However, on this one, I think Hollywood already did the thinking for us. Rent a couple more of the "Bloodsport" type movies (perhaps "The Quest", with Jean-Claude Van Stupid) and let them entertain you. Fast forward through the pointless parts (you know, all the talking) and get to the end, where all the fighting takes place.....

'Bout as close as you're gonna get, unless you manage to find an actual "kumite" in Thailand or something. Yeah. Good luck. :rolleyes:

I want to see a show down of all MAs, Not UFC but people that are masters of there art , same size same wt. Go at it,

And it's people that ask for these types of things that slam the art itself when the practitioner has a bad day.
Originally posted by Judo-kid

I want to see a show down of all MAs, Not UFC but people that are masters of there art , same size same wt. Go at it, This would be great i would pay to watch this type of event somthing where its not ufc yet it sorta is, Like Blood sport the movie , What do you guys think of my idea and is there anything like that out there,.

If you did get different masters of their art together, there wouldn't be any fight. They'd all go out for a bite and a drink and share their knowledge with each other since they'd be confident enough with their skills to where they don't have anything to prove by participating in such a foolish event.


If you did get different masters of their art together, there wouldn't be any fight. They'd all go out for a bite and a drink and share their knowledge with each other since they'd be confident enough with their skills to where they don't have anything to prove by participating in such a foolish event.

Hehehe, I was about to say something along the same lines ^_^. One time, a friend of mine started training in another art and pondered "I wonder what the outcome would be of a fight between my grandmaster and your soke would be." I couldn't stop imagining the two of them sitting down to tea and talking about philosophy and cartoons ^_^
If you did get different masters of their art together, there wouldn't be any fight. They'd all go out for a bite and a drink and share their knowledge with each other since they'd be confident enough with their skills to where they don't have anything to prove by participating in such a foolish event.

very well sadi
I might know of a tape you'd be interested in. It supposed to be a local tournament that has a Bagua practioner fighting a non traditional fighter. When I get the tape I'll let you know.
Cool thanks send me a msg when you get it.
They'd all go out for a bite and a drink and share their knowledge with each other since they'd be confident enough with their skills to where they don't have anything to prove by participating in such a foolish event.

ROFL.....this reminds me of a post I saw once about a secret "Aikido death match": The opponents faced each other in a cage, circling around each other for about five minutes. They both noticed holes in the others' chi and defenses, decided which attacks they would use, which attacks their opponent would use, and how they would counter those attacks. No physical attack was actually thrown. Then, they bowed to each other, and went out to sushi and sake.

It was something along those lines, and I have to laugh ever time I think about it. Yeah, that's how I see combat between real masters--all mental, no physical, then they compare notes...;)

OMG you cant be serious. only money hungry and greedy people would benifit from this type of childish event.

it would be a sad day for all the true martial artists out there.
Originally posted by Judo-kid

I want to see a show down of all MAs, Not UFC but people that are masters of there art , same size same wt. Go at it, This would be great i would pay to watch this type of event somthing where its not ufc yet it sorta is, Like Blood sport the movie , What do you guys think of my idea and is there anything like that out there,.

Real masters wouldn't go because they know that their arts are for life protection and not the amusement of others.