Silat in Japan???


Master Black Belt
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Sapporo, Japan
I`m living in Northern Japan right now just south of Sapporo. Does anyone know of anyone doing Silat in Japan? I`m in a little ski resort town and there`s nothing here but Judo. Even in the city (Sapporo) I can only find karate and Shorinji Kenpo.

I`ve got a friend from Sydney Australia who`s been doing Serak for several years, but he`s only here for a few weeks in the skiing season.

Any ideas of people I might be able to contact would be very much appreciated.
I can ask over on our sister site, FMATalk. I don't think it is going to be easy to find, but certainly worth looking for.
Well I tried emailing them yesterday and the mail doesn`t go through for some reason. I`ll call down there monday and see what I can find out. The telephone number is in the Tokyo area code, but maybe they know someone here in Hokkaido. The email address mentions Waseda which is a famous University here, so I`m keeping my fingers crossed that there are people from the club going all over after graduation.

Thanks again.
David also take a look at practicing some Budo Taijutsu while you are in Japan. Even though they are different there is quite a few similarities in movement and know that Hatsumi Sensei has a lot of respect for silat. Good luck!
If you can read/write Japanese pm me your e-mail and I will send you an invite for Mixi, a Japanese version of myspace. You can only join by invatation from a member.

There is a silat and also Kali group on the board. Not much action but they might be able to help you.

I'm in the states now but lived in Akita for 4 years, and my wife if from there. Once the kids are out of school, I would like to move back to Japan and open a Kali/silat school.

I really appreciate it Ken, but even though I speak Japanese well, I only have about a second grade reading level.