"The League of Fistmasters"


White Belt
Sep 22, 2015
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Gentlemen, would like to get your take on this article that appeared in a local Kentucky newspaper. Introducing the "League of Fistmasters", part of a Kempo school. It's my understanding that the "Soke" has been talked about quite a bit in the past.

Mixing Christianity with self-defense

Is it me, or are there more masters / grandmasters than in all of Japan here?
Some organizations give out high belt ranks and "master/grandmaster/soke" titles like Halloween candy. It doesn't necessarily mean anything one way or another about their actual skill as martial artists. From a little digging around, I believe the martial arts history and "Japanese" culture this organization is promoting are not particularly accurate, but that probably doesn't matter much to most of their students.

I just want to say that "League of Fistmasters" would be a great name for a secret society of evil martial artists in an old Batman comic from the Silver Age.
Sounds more like a title for an adult movie.

Totally beat me to it....

"...beat me..."

Imagine the trailers, though....voice over:In a world where a Christian martial arts sokey-dokey grandmaster headmaster founder Sensei ....<sexually explicit adult content deleted>......Enter the Fistmaster!

".....enter!" (chortle!)
Totally beat me to it....

"...beat me..."

Imagine the trailers, though....voice over:In a world where a Christian martial arts sokey-dokey grandmaster headmaster founder Sensei ....<sexually explicit adult content deleted>......Enter the Fistmaster!

".....enter!" (chortle!)
Wow. Just, wow. I've got nothing...
Gentlemen, would like to get your take on this article that appeared in a local Kentucky newspaper. Introducing the "League of Fistmasters", part of a Kempo school. It's my understanding that the "Soke" has been talked about quite a bit in the past.

Mixing Christianity with self-defense

Is it me, or are there more masters / grandmasters than in all of Japan here?
It got them free publicity, didn't it? Goal accomplished.

Peace favor your sword,
BTW - I looked around to see if I could find any video of the group in question. All I was able to find was a demo from the local group here in Lexington. It did feature one of the listed "masters", who apparently is a 7th dan in the system.

Let's just say that the demo was ... not exactly what I would hope to see from a high-ranking martial artist of whatever style.
Durbin is an interesting character. Curious about the "golden belt" he's wearing. Has anyone ever seen this before?