The I-Real: Is It A Car Or A Wheelchair?


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Toyota has a new car (???) out... at least THEY call it a car... I'm with the reporter... it's a wheelchair.
But of course... it's not like ANY wheelchair out there on the market today. Check it OUT!!
This thing does open up new avenues for the disabled to be sure. Those who have paralysis below the waist or chest may still use this to get around and work yet the machine has so much more to offer than just personal transport... it brings a whole new level of personal freedom. Being able to navigate around, cruise around at a top speed of 20 mph, pretty dang fast for a self propelled wheel-chair if you ask me, inviting others to coffee, etc. etc. I'm sure variants can be made for even those who have limited movement of their arms/hands/etc.
Still this is a wonderful concept and such a marvelous contraption that makes the typical self propelled wheelchairs so... ugly by comparison.

Way neato mosquito.
If you have friends who are in wheelchairs show them this ... watch their eyes light up... they'll love it!

One imagines that eventually it'll have a retractable plexi-glass dome or something of that nature so that they don't have to be limited to non-rainy days and/or warm weather.