The Gun thing


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
what is your take on this:

the person who mentioned it might have made a too big a fuzz over it, but in essence the paper published the data of permit holders.
while that is a matter of public record, should that be thrown around like that?

I have a drivers license, and a land line (and we are in the phone book) that does not mean I need my in the pare....

Seems like great way to give more criminals guns. If I want a gun and I'm not allowed to buy one I'll just wait until one of these people go to work or vacation and break in most people that own at least one gun own more then one gun.
I guess I don't see the point in the list. If these people are legally owning guns why publish it? I could kinda see publishing info on criminals convinced of possession on illegal guns and where they live but why print peoples info that are not doing anything wrong?
Seems like great way to give more criminals guns. If I want a gun and I'm not allowed to buy one I'll just wait until one of these people go to work or vacation and break in most people that own at least one gun own more then one gun.

...or if teachers are armed, I can break into their house while they're out to dinner.
...or if teachers are armed, I can break into their house while they're out to dinner.

some teachers already have guns trick is figuring out which ones. so your ok with ths list but you had an issue with the police capt tweeting out whiich criminals had been released?
well, it could give crooks the incentive to break in two houses down, too.

But I am looking at this and scratch my head:
what could possibly be gained from this?

How many people have permits? Guns?
well, it could give crooks the incentive to break in two houses down, too.

But I am looking at this and scratch my head:
what could possibly be gained from this?

How many people have permits? Guns?

Yeah that's what I do t get what was the point? If they wanted to show how many guns were in the county why not just say we have xxxxx amount of permitted gun holders. The one map showed people who have not changed or updated the info in over 5 years how accurate can it be. So then you got someone who's address is listed and they may not even live there anymore
Another thing I wonder if any of the info posted are people hiding from stalkers or crazy ex spouses. Guy I work with is married to a cheerleader for a professional sports tram in the area she has a stalker and got a permit to carry I'm sure he would love to see her info and address posted
No reason to post this list and i think there are reasons not to post the list. No bodies business if I own a gun unless I put others in danger with it or give signs that I might place others at risk.
Taking a break from the festivities...

Here is an article that gives the address of the publisher and reporter and their home phone numbers...they put it under the heading what's good for the goose is good for the gander...They also give a satellite image of the home of the publisher...

I don’t know whether the Journal’s publisher Janet Hasson is a permit holder herself, but here’s how to find her to ask:

Hope everyone is having a good Christmas...
Just because you're OK with drowning puppies doesn't mean I'm OK with this list. Speaking of which, have you stopped beating your dog yet?

Naa he's a Choc lab hes stupid beating him does no good.

But you never answered the question why were you upset about criminals info being posted but you have no comment about law abiding citizens info published?
I honestly see nothing at all to gain from this list, and only negative things. As, already stated, it allows criminals to know who has guns they can steal, and who to watch out for/they dont have to worry about. It also puts out peoples info, which in my mind is an invasion of privacy. Why should other people be allowed to know whether or not I have a gun that I legally obtained? Frankly, as long as its legal, its none of their business. I can see why the police may have reason to know this, but I have no idea why a journalist should be privy to this information, or why they would be allowed to share it with everyone.

The only possible benefit I can see to this is someone literally to help more criminals get guns so they can say the average citizen isn't trusted to keep them safe and push gun control further, or a (misguided) attempt to make people upset by how many people have guns in order for them to push for tougher gun control. Either way, it's putting people in harms way to further their own political agenda. I don't care to much about 'disrespecting' people by trying to take political advantage of a tragedy, it annoys me but I let that go. However, actually putting people in harms way through ignorance, stupidity or mal intent in order to push your agenda is just despicable to me.
You didn't ask one.

Sure I did twice now but apparently your more interested in talking about drowning puppies and beating dogs then commenting on the topic so that's ok never mind. Your silence on the topic answers my question
Sure I did twice now but apparently your more interested in talking about drowning puppies and beating dogs then commenting on the topic so that's ok never mind. Your silence on the topic answers my question

Now the question would be if you also kick kittens....