The "Bob" Standing Target

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
The "Bob" Standing Target - I just saw one today at the mall in a sporting goods store. I tried a couple of soft heel hands to the hinge of the jaw and nose (it didn't have any water in it). I have to admit that I rather liked the feel of it - I had always considered it something of a gimmick, just an expensive version of the Wavemaster. Now I am considering selling my Wavemaster an purchasing a "Bob". Thoughts? Experiences? Advice?
Flatlander said:
I found this one. It's pretty pricey. I'd like to see them give it arms.

Wow, it's actually more expensive than the one at the mall. Generally, mall mark ups are incredible - to the point that, even with shipping charges, mail order is usually cheaper. Thanks for the link, though, I found a lot of other cool stuff to look at. :ultracool
I've had a "Bob" bag of my own for years, and I like it very much. I train on him regularly. Each of our branch schools have several "Bobs" including the smaller ones for children. Striking any bag offers a value for targeting, and resistance to impact, as well as teaching control by not always hitting full force (helps to prevent injuries when sparring or doing one-steps by stopping just short of impact to bob's head or body).

Bags that hang from chains have a certain feel by swinging upward. A real person is not anchored by their head, thus the free standing bags have a better, more realistic feel upon impact, in my opinion. Also, the look of a body and face gives the training more realism by focusing on ribs, abdomen, solar plexus, chin, nose, temple, eyes, neck, etc., etc. I believe it prepares a student for real-life self defense better by feeling like they are accustomed to hitting a person's body or head while having those glaring eyes of Bob's staring back at you. Great for women's self defense classes too!

To avoid spending too much money, though, shop around with Martial Art suppliers. If you own a school, and don't have an instructor's account, set one up with a company. Some will require a minimum purchase to get the discounts, while others do not. If you have an account with one company, call the 800 numbers for others, and ask about setting up an account, and having an instructor's price list sent to your school (you might have to verify you have a school).

I like these bags! I have my students use them in class often, and I recommend at least one per school (and/or one for home use).

CM D. J. Eisenhart
Last Fearner said:
Bags that hang from chains have a certain feel by swinging upward. A real person is not anchored by their head, thus the free standing bags have a better, more realistic feel upon impact, in my opinion. Also, the look of a body and face gives the training more realism by focusing on ribs, abdomen, solar plexus, chin, nose, temple, eyes, neck, etc., etc. I believe it prepares a student for real-life self defense better by feeling like they are accustomed to hitting a person's body or head while having those glaring eyes of Bob's staring back at you. Great for women's self defense classes too!

CM D. J. Eisenhart

Great post, sir!

Yes, while trying one at the mall, I realized that it did in fact have an advantage in realism over my Wavemaster. Previously, I thought that was just hype. I gotta get me one of them things now, lol.
bob is pretty nifty, but the difference in price from a regular wavemaster is usually just too much to justify.

on the other hand, if you have the spare 150, they really are neat.
How easy are they to fill with water? Any risk of leaking, etc?

If I were to get one, I'd probably set it up in my storage area...which is dozens of feet away from my sink.

Carol Kaur said:
How easy are they to fill with water? Any risk of leaking, etc?

If I were to get one, I'd probably set it up in my storage area...which is dozens of feet away from my sink.


I was able to fill my Wavemaster with a regular, but long, garden hose. There is always a risk of leaking with anything filled with water, but I've never had any trouble. They can also be filled with sand, IIRC.
Fill the base with sand, about half of all the water-base century items have leaked on us, they usually get a hairline crack on one of the seams. I like the BOB too, its pretty good for working on uppercuts if you don't have an uppercut bag.

Blindside said:
Fill the base with sand, about half of all the water-base century items have leaked on us, they usually get a hairline crack on one of the seams. I like the BOB too, its pretty good for working on uppercuts if you don't have an uppercut bag.


Yes, I noticed that jabs and chinjabs (heel-hand style uppercut) work much better on the BOB, which makes it a really attractive purchase for me.

One thing to consider, though, is that your Wavemasters (or standing bags or BOBs) are used by a class and probably take much more use (and abuse) than a person's private Wavemaster. Still, sand is a good recommendation.
There is actually a newer version out now that has a lower body/groin area. A little more money, though.


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We have a BOB. I like it. I like the fact that I can actually "aim" to the target that a technique is supposed to hit (as in one steps, self defense, ect), and hit hard without risking hurting a real live partner.

I also agree with Blindside. We filled our BOB with sand. Sand is easier to clean up than water if the thing deciced to crack.
I love BOB! A man I can hit who doesn't make sarcastic remarks every waking moment. Great training tool.
Spitfire said:
I love BOB! A man I can hit who doesn't make sarcastic remarks every waking moment. Great training tool.

:rofl: LMAO!

umm...are you saying Jeff is sarcastic? :uhyeah: who woulda thought? :rolleyes:
Our dojang has about six Bobs now with one of the longer torso. We started out with one about 6-7 years ago. It's great for jump backs, crescents, spin heels. Its gives you a better feel for a target and how it would feel. If you already have a regular wavemaster though you can just buy the top-Bob. Saves a little. Century may be having a sale now since our dojang is offering one through his web page. TW
A few years ago I was with my friend in Dicks Sporting Goods. We were both talking to some hot sales girl, and he was trying to impress her by punching the Bob dummy. He landed a big shot and turned back to the girl. The dummy flew back from the punch, hit him in the head and knocked him over. I'm pretty sure he is the only KO Bob ever got.
I've found that all of the BOBs I've used were MUCH more tippy then wavemasters. Maybe I'm blasting it too hard, but I've knocked them over a few times and I usually move them so much its hard to get a good combo on them. With a wavemaster, I've not had those problems...FWIW.
I don't know about that fill it up with 500lbs. of sand it pretty damm hard to move, but yet it can be knocked over by some people.
I know for a FACT that the one I was hitting was not filled with 500 lbs of sand. DANG! I would love to smack one of those and see what happens...
upnorthkyosa said:
I've found that all of the BOBs I've used were MUCH more tippy then wavemasters. Maybe I'm blasting it too hard, but I've knocked them over a few times and I usually move them so much its hard to get a good combo on them. With a wavemaster, I've not had those problems...FWIW.
I would think that if you hit someone that hard, they would move as well. I just think that the detail (face, torso, etc) that is put into designing B.O.B. makes control and targeting easy (and fun) to practice.