
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

Since we caught one of those little S.O.B (Jose Padilla). What should we do with him.
Those Muslims are disrespecting the whole of their religion.

I saw Padillas attorney on CNN tonight and she said that his rights were being violated.....now there is a crock

GEne Gabel :soapbox:
Rich, I didn't mean to sound like I was replying to solely you. Hell,
I wasn't replying to solely the members of this forum who've
posted here. Hope I didn't make it seem that way.
'The only way to deal with a bully is to punch him in the mouth.'

Perhaps. But to punch everybody who might look a bit like the bully, live in the same neighbourhood as the bully etc. etc. is kinda stupid. Even if it is easy.

I believe in violence. That's why I am a martial artist. I'm not a hippy. I'm not chanting. But I believe in intelligent violence. That's where the 'art' comes in.

Chanting 'Give peace a chance' is easy, in the short term. Hitting everybody really hard or shouting 'String all the MFs up!' is easy too. Carefully, patiently, hunting down the real culprits is difficult. But it works.

Look at how the French dealt with Morocco and the Isreali's deal with Palestine. It looks tough just bombing places flat and beating the young and old men to a pulp, but it doesn't work. I believe in going in hard but going in accurate. Easy to say I know.

The test of the American spirit is not how many people are dealt with and how fast. It will be in five, ten years time when they try to make a budget cut on the sort of long term, properly targeted, operations that finally sort out people like this.
Originally posted by Kirk

Rich, I didn't mean to sound like I was replying to solely you. Hell,
I wasn't replying to solely the members of this forum who've
posted here. Hope I didn't make it seem that way.

No Problem Kirk,

As I have said before, I encourage everyone to
express their opinion here.

Thank you for yours.

Originally posted by Kirk

The constitution is for the protection of American citizens, not
the world's citizens. Due process is only guaranteed within the
constitution. If the constitution were the sole document driving
us in times of war, then the geneva convention would've never
existed. We're in a conflict/war/under attack .. call it what you
may, the fact is that an attack happened on American soil. Maybe
when it's a member of YOUR family, you'll feel differently. These
people don't share our beliefs. The make love not war b.s. is for
the past. These people need a STRONG military action, if
we're ever going to prevent cowardly attacks against us from
happening again. If we get all hippy about this, and go outside
and chant or mediate, hold hands and sing Give Peace A Try, it
will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Another attack, just like 9/11 will
happen again, and again, until we set up an immediate meeting
with them and their maker. Show me a time in history when
getting out tamborines and tie dye shirts has ever stopped a
foreign country from hating us, or pointing nukes at us, or
attacking us. Flat out military power has proven itself time and
time again. Ask Qadafi, the citizens and government of Japan,
holocaust surivors, the list goes on and on.
well spoken sir. as ex military i have been in the middle east and been subjected to harassment and literally been spit on because of the cut of my uniform. im not interested in the policies or whys and wherefores that have caused this hatred toward ALL of us, what i am interested in is the fact that the terrorists have chosen to communicate with us by extremes. our reply should be even more extreme........my respects to all of you and my utmost respects for your opinions.
when I was reffering to the constitution I was talking strictly about an american citizen that has been aleged of a crim, not of a citizen from another country that came here to blow something up. One should be protected (to the degree we protect all our citizens) one should be a POW.

As far as my view of the war at hand, what I meant was this conflit strategicly is fundamentaly diffrent than any military conflict of a protracted nature we have undertaken. korea, vietnam, the gulf, all of them were closer to a declared war than this.

I don't think anyone on a martial art forum is going to denounce violance.. and I don't know many peace loving hippies that practice beating people up.
personally, I hate war and hate violence. However, if war and violence must occur, I'd rather be the side dishing out than receiving.

My mom is a hippie. She was out protesting the Vietnam war and wearing daisy chains and stuff (and claims she didn't smoke any wackyweed, but I don't know if I believe her). She got quite upset that I'm dating a Marine, and completely went off on a tangent about Bush (can't say I'm too fond of that particular shrub either, but that's beside the point),violence, war, and a general tirade of government criticism. I just looked at her and said "well, if that's your opinion, you should thank all the marines and other armed forces for being out there defending your right to say that." she shut up.

Originally posted by nightingale8472

personally, I hate war and hate violence. However, if war and violence must occur, I'd rather be the side dishing out than receiving.

My mom is a hippie. She was out protesting the Vietnam war and wearing daisy chains and stuff (and claims she didn't smoke any wackyweed, but I don't know if I believe her). She got quite upset that I'm dating a Marine, and completely went off on a tangent about Bush (can't say I'm too fond of that particular shrub either, but that's beside the point),violence, war, and a general tirade of government criticism. I just looked at her and said "well, if that's your opinion, you should thank all the marines and other armed forces for being out there defending your right to say that." she shut up.

You just hit the nail on the head. I may disagree with what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it!:asian:
I'am currently taking a couple of courses on terrorism, counter-terrorism, cyberwar and netwar! You would not believe the technological breakthroughs in the way terrorist groups can wage either secretive lone non-state actor destruction and/or disruption. They can also organize in cyberspace, form a network organization which can consist of several different groups with the same doctrine and social trust & loyality. Operate with no leaders and wage swarming campaigns against nation states and their leaders, etc,; dismantle into seperate independent groups and wait for the next swarm! Our government's ability to counter their efforts will lay solely upon our understanding of these same technological capabilities. Being able to use their tactics against them successfully will depend on how our police, homeland security, military, federal, and state organizations share classified information. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Originally posted by Chiduce

I'am currently taking a couple of courses on terrorism, counter-terrorism, cyberwar and netwar! You would not believe the technological breakthroughs in the way terrorist groups can wage either secretive lone non-state actor destruction and/or disruption. They can also organize in cyberspace, form a network organization which can consist of several different groups with the same doctrine and social trust & loyality. Operate with no leaders and wage swarming campaigns against nation states and their leaders, etc,; dismantle into seperate independent groups and wait for the next swarm! Our government's ability to counter their efforts will lay solely upon our understanding of these same technological capabilities. Being able to use their tactics against them successfully will depend on how our police, homeland security, military, federal, and state organizations share classified information. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!


I like what you say here. I looked into going into the FBI in the
early 90's when they just started excpeting Computer Science
degrees, instead of LAw and Accounting. The problem was that
I would have had to take 28% pay cut, and I was not even in the
top pay grades of my field. It may be different today but I doubt it.
Yes the people who do this job should want to do this job. But,
it would be easier if they matched the going rate for pay.

Sorry for the tirade, I know that many people are trying their

interesting factoid:

the FBI loses approximately 50% of its work force each year. The majority of these losses are due to death, and are about evenly split between death in the line of duty and suicide.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons


I like what you say here. I looked into going into the FBI in the
early 90's when they just started excpeting Computer Science
degrees, instead of LAw and Accounting. The problem was that
I would have had to take 28% pay cut, and I was not even in the
top pay grades of my field. It may be different today but I doubt it.
Yes the people who do this job should want to do this job. But,
it would be easier if they matched the going rate for pay.

Sorry for the tirade, I know that many people are trying their

I see your point about the pay scale. you will not get rich at an FBI Job. However, it will open the doors to the lecture circuit, university lectures etc,. I was in intelligence, in my military field and we were considered agents or the other word (Spies). Since you work have worked with defense contractors, you may have some knowledge of the Pershing I and II Missiles! 400 megaton warhead with reentry guidance to target. Upon impact to ground zero the giant mushroom cloud forms, the fireball upon impact kills everthing within a 400 mile radius and then radiation sets in! Great pieces of work for defense. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Originally posted by nightingale8472

interesting factoid:

the FBI loses approximately 50% of its work force each year. The majority of these losses are due to death, and are about evenly split between death in the line of duty and suicide.
I would just like to add that the present new FBI top dog is a woman. The first female in the history of the bureau. Maybe she can bring about some positive change in this troubled area of retirement concern. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!