

Master Black Belt
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
Effingham, Illinois
Since we caught one of those little S.O.B (Jose Padilla). What should we do with him. I feel since he wants to blow something up and kill alot of people. We should help him out. Shove a bomb up his *** and drop him over Afganistan or Pakistan. Show them terrorist this is what going to happen if you screw with the U.S.A

I think we should punish him in the normal fasion.. if it could be proven that he was acting under orders of the al-quida (sp) network than he should be tried for treason, if he is convicted than we should take him into international waters and pump the guy full of drugs and figure out exactly who told him to do what.. than catch them and so on and so on...
Both good options .. yet I think we should stuff his face full of
bacon and pork chops first, in either scenario. :mad:
Yes Last meal with bacon, pork chops, sausage. Maybe smear him with pork lard or pig crap.
Bob: :sniper: :bird: :snipe2:
Originally posted by Kirk

Both good options .. yet I think we should stuff his face full of
bacon and pork chops first, in either scenario. :mad:

Could I suggest if you make the threat of pork
have it be raw. This even turns my stomach.

All concerned should be given due process by the
laws of the land. If they are convicted then
they should be punished by the laws of the land.
If Treason is the charge then hanging could be
the punishment.

But, to fall to the comments of I think he is
guilty then he must die, brings our society to
status of terrorism itself. Yes vent your
frustration, and anger. I have. But, do not deny
anyone the due process by the law. To deny one,
even the guilty, opens the door to deny anyone,
even the innocent tomorrow. Now, I do hope that
if he and others are found guilty of treason that
the US government has a leg to stand on to
extract the information required to find everyone
else involved and to convict them.

Just my thoughts, and as this is a free society
I believe that you all have the right to disagree,
with me. And if you do, I encourage you to
express yourself here.

Best Regards

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

Could I suggest if you make the threat of pork
have it be raw. This even turns my stomach.

All concerned should be given due process by the
laws of the land. If they are convicted then
they should be punished by the laws of the land.
If Treason is the charge then hanging could be
the punishment.

But, to fall to the comments of I think he is
guilty then he must die, brings our society to
status of terrorism itself. Yes vent your
frustration, and anger. I have. But, do not deny
anyone the due process by the law. To deny one,
even the guilty, opens the door to deny anyone,
even the innocent tomorrow. Now, I do hope that
if he and others are found guilty of treason that
the US government has a leg to stand on to
extract the information required to find everyone
else involved and to convict them.

Just my thoughts, and as this is a free society
I believe that you all have the right to disagree,
with me. And if you do, I encourage you to
express yourself here.

Best Regards

due process of law? it has been shown that the only "law" that these people understand is the law of blood and fear. how discouraging is the threat of a lengthy trial? if there is concrete evidence of terrorist intent then i believe "due process" should be tucked safely away in a drawer, the terrorist taken into a small,windowless room, and then let the screaming start...........respects.
Law my ***! (Sorry mods). They killed 5000 people in one shot! "Law" could take years. By then there will be more of them f***ers! Let the military take care of them. :sniper:

A girl in my old school had the perfect suggestion. We should catch these bastards, lock them in a building, and fly a plane into it, just like they did us. :EG:
Originally posted by Richard S.

due process of law? it has been shown that the only "law" that these people understand is the law of blood and fear. how discouraging is the threat of a lengthy trial? if there is concrete evidence of terrorist intent then i believe "due process" should be tucked safely away in a drawer, the terrorist taken into a small,windowless room, and then let the screaming start...........respects.

They ignore the law and kill people.
If we ignore the law and kill people, we're just as bad.

Part of what makes us a "civilized" society is our legal system. Our system of "liberty and justice" is what these people are fighting against. We need to show them that no matter what they do to us, we will not compromise that which the USA values most, our constitution and bill of rights. If we claim to value freedom, we can't take it away from someone else without appropriate procedures

Article [VI.]
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

That said, I do enjoy blasting Toby Keith's new song at top volume...quoted below.

"Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue" (The Angry American)

...Now this nation that I love
Is falling under attack
A mighty sucker punch came flying in
From somewhere in the back
As soon as we could see clearly
Through our big black eye
Man we lit up your world
Like the Fourth of July

Hey, Uncle Sam put your name
At the top of his list
And the Statue of Liberty
Started shaking her fist
And the eagle will fly
And it's going to be hell
When you hear Mother Freedom
Start ringing her bell
And it will feel like the whole wide world
Is raining down on you
Brought to you courtesy
Of the Red, White and Blue

Oh, justice will be served
And the battle will rage
This big dog will fight
When you rattle his cage
You'll be sorry that you messed
With the U.S. of A.
Cause we'll put a boot in your ***
That says American Made!
Its quite simple.....

Due process Afghani style drag them out in the middle of a public soccer game and let the victims family slit their throat.

Works for me.....

As for feeding them pork.... I dont want to insult upstanding members of the swine comunity by lowering their standards of personal consumption;) ;) ;)
" it has been shown that the only "law" that these people understand is the law of blood and fear."

Incorrect they don't fear death or torture.. that's the problem.

"if there is concrete evidence of terrorist intent then i believe "due process" should be tucked safely away in a drawer, the terrorist taken into a small,windowless room, and then let the screaming start...........respects.

I disagree. If you bypass due process than you take away people's rights. we don't have a constitutional right to due process to let us commit crimes and get away with it. we have a constitutional right to due process to make damn sure that the wrong person isn't lynched for a crime he/she didn't commit. It isn't there to protect the terrorist it is there to protect the guy that gets accused of being a terrorist but realy isn't. Once we dispence with our constitution the terrorists have won the first battle, they have taken away our freedom.

"They killed 5000 people in one shot! "Law" could take years. By then there will be more of them f***ers! Let the military take care of them. "

there will be more of them f***ers no matter what you do, giving them a trial won't change things.

Also the people who flew the planes into the buildings weren't american citizens so they wouldn't be protected by the constitution. I think it is also important to note that these people killed them selves.. They aren't going to be afraid of anything, punishment has no meaning and it will not detur future attempts.
Originally posted by Richard S.


Respects to you sir.

I do understand your anger and you opinion.
I just believe what I said above.

Respects and thank you for your opinion.

Originally posted by sweeper

" it has been shown that the only "law" that these people understand is the law of blood and fear."

Incorrect they don't fear death or torture.. that's the problem.

"if there is concrete evidence of terrorist intent then i believe "due process" should be tucked safely away in a drawer, the terrorist taken into a small,windowless room, and then let the screaming start...........respects.

I disagree. If you bypass due process than you take away people's rights. we don't have a constitutional right to due process to let us commit crimes and get away with it. we have a constitutional right to due process to make damn sure that the wrong person isn't lynched for a crime he/she didn't commit. It isn't there to protect the terrorist it is there to protect the guy that gets accused of being a terrorist but realy isn't. Once we dispence with our constitution the terrorists have won the first battle, they have taken away our freedom.

"They killed 5000 people in one shot! "Law" could take years. By then there will be more of them f***ers! Let the military take care of them. "

there will be more of them f***ers no matter what you do, giving them a trial won't change things.

Also the people who flew the planes into the buildings weren't american citizens so they wouldn't be protected by the constitution. I think it is also important to note that these people killed them selves.. They aren't going to be afraid of anything, punishment has no meaning and it will not detur future attempts.

Sweeper et al,

The Mind set that allows for the fanatic to
believe that they will obtain Life in heaven if
they die for their belief and kill as many
infidels as possible, does not allow for the
attempt of fear. As Long as they believe that
their actions can effect us then they do have
power. I do believe that we should hunt down
the Taliban and others in Afganastan and else
where. For those non citizens in other countries
that are at a state of WAR with the USA deserve
what they get for resisting.

I do not have the answer. Why do people hate me
for looking dark but not African? Why do people
hate others because they believe differently?
If I had the answer, I would give it for free
to everyone.

Best Regards and Respects to everyone.


PS: Please not that my comments are not an attack
on anyone of the Muslim Belief. The people I am
discussing here, I believe are not the true
representatives of the religion or culture.
I would agree with you rich, but I don't think going to war is the answer.. the problem is even though we all say we are at war and 9/11 was an act of war.. we can't realy declare war on anyone because it isn't a nation that's attacking us, it's a relativly small group of loonies.. there are gona be elements of the engagement simular to a war but alot of it is more like an FBI man hunt than a war.. unfortunately even with only one person left out of the bunch there is still potential for a major terrorist attack..
Originally posted by sweeper

I would agree with you rich, but I don't think going to war is the answer.. the problem is even though we all say we are at war and 9/11 was an act of war.. we can't realy declare war on anyone because it isn't a nation that's attacking us, it's a relativly small group of loonies.. there are gona be elements of the engagement simular to a war but alot of it is more like an FBI man hunt than a war.. unfortunately even with only one person left out of the bunch there is still potential for a major terrorist attack..


I think we are on the same page, just using
different words. By War, I do not mean a
declaration of war by congress. Since WWII,
everything including the Gulf War has not been
an official War by the legal terms. I use the word
to show honor to the MEN and WOMEN who serve the
U.S.A. and put their bodies and lives in the line
of the threat. Either by a show of force of by
going in to take care of a problem.

I did not communicate this properly. For this
I Apologize. I did say non citizens, meaning
subjects or citizens of other countries whose
actions have been an act of war against the U.S.A.
and its' citizens should be our target, not the
whole country.

Now to re-address the Terrorist that was captured.
If it can be proven that he had given up
citizenship of the U.S.A. and became a citizen of
another country then he should be treated as a
war criminal. I am not sure of the options here.
Not sure if the United Nations steps in, or if
we have a treaty with the country of his
citizenship for extradition? This could tie the
whole situation up in knots, or even legally
allow him to return to another country to be
tried and/or punished.

Sorry for the Ramble.

The constitution is for the protection of American citizens, not
the world's citizens. Due process is only guaranteed within the
constitution. If the constitution were the sole document driving
us in times of war, then the geneva convention would've never
existed. We're in a conflict/war/under attack .. call it what you
may, the fact is that an attack happened on American soil. Maybe
when it's a member of YOUR family, you'll feel differently. These
people don't share our beliefs. The make love not war b.s. is for
the past. These people need a STRONG military action, if
we're ever going to prevent cowardly attacks against us from
happening again. If we get all hippy about this, and go outside
and chant or mediate, hold hands and sing Give Peace A Try, it
will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Another attack, just like 9/11 will
happen again, and again, until we set up an immediate meeting
with them and their maker. Show me a time in history when
getting out tamborines and tie dye shirts has ever stopped a
foreign country from hating us, or pointing nukes at us, or
attacking us. Flat out military power has proven itself time and
time again. Ask Qadafi, the citizens and government of Japan,
holocaust surivors, the list goes on and on.
Kirk, you are right on. The only way to stop a bulley, is to punch him right in the mouth, nose or kick him in the groin. You can cry, go tell your mommy, but that bulley going to keep picking on you tell you stop him. This is no different.

A little Back ground on myself.

I support our Military. I support our efforts
to stop and to capture the terrorist and to
prevent a further attack.

I have worked for Military Contractors, and I have
helped to create some of the best land based
weapons out there. I have helped to make sure
that our men in one vehicle can communicate with
other men in another type of vehicle so as to
avoid friendly fire. I have ..., .

Do I support pure research for the further
development of defense and technology? Yes I do.
Why? Almost every product I use today is either
a direct or second generation indirect product
from this type of research.

As to a family member point taken. Did I loose
a family member? No. Did I loose a close friend?
No? Did I know some of the people in the Pentagon
Building? Yes. Did I know of someone on one of
the planes? Yes. I meet 12 people before lunch
who had family members in the towers on that
fateful day. So did it effect me directly? No.
Did I see the horror it caused to other people?

Now, I agree the Constitution is for citizens of
the U.S.A. The Geneva Convention and other
treaties cover our conduct with other countries.
I agree that some thing is needed.

Now did I say let's all get together and sing
and raise peace signs and make our good Citizens
of the Military feel sorry for serving their GREAT
country? No, I do not believe I have said any
such thing.

The original question was a U.S. Citizen captured
as one of the Terrorist, what should be the course
of action.

As for History, only the winners write history.
And as recent History goes, In Italy and Germany
it started with a small amount of civil liberties lost
to a small group of people. It turned out that
the countries then became Police states.

Now Personally, the Taliban and their supporters
all deserve death as nothing will 'teach' them
a lesson. But, do I have the right to cast that
vote/stone/verdict? I do not think so. Can I voice
my opinion so that my personal values are heard?
Yes. And once those Values are heard is it
possible that this and other issues by other
people could influence people to have a change in
ethics? Yes. Once the state of the ethical
situation has changed then either Congress or
by referendum of the PEOPLE can a law be passed.

This is how the Democratic/Republic U.S.A.
Governmental system is to work with its people.

For others we have foreign policy which is
influenced by the Peoples personal Values and what
society has determined ethical as well as our
treaties and involvement with the United Nations.

Respect to all the family and friends of those
directly and indirectly effected by the attacks
on 9/11/02.

My Apologies if I have not communicated clearly.

Death does not frighten them. Fear of being caught, punished, even tortured does not deter them. Often times, they will detonate just to cause fear in the event they are found.

There is no more dangerous foe than one who is not afraid to die, and not only expects to, but welcomes death.

It is one of the things that made the Samurai a deadly foe. (no, I do not compare the terrorist to the samurai other than to say both held little fear of dying).

Sadly, for as angry as we are, disrespecting a religion is not the answer. In all truthfullness, these scum expect that, and will use that attitude to incite the next suicide bomber. Its very rarely the top dogs who do the dirty work, but often times poor, desparate and angry teens. Bring the ringleaders to justice, and solve the problems that make a 16yr old willing to die. Then, we may stop the cycle of violence.

Think about this : If they had hit Disney, or the Statue of Liberty they would have only pissed off the US. They hit 2 buildings full of people of many nations and faiths, all of whom have condemed this criminal act.

These people are following as muslim as the clinic bombers in the US are 'Christian'. Terrorists may give lip service to 1 religion or another, but the truth is, they are as far from their faith as they can get.

The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilence.

Be careful how many of your liberties you give away...some day you may look, and find you have given them all away.