Terrorism And SD

well Dark, you seem like a good guy and I agree with many things I've seen you post here, but on this one we'll just have to agree to disagree. I don't care if terrorists pretend to be guerillas to avoid our unified wrath or not, they're still terrorists commiting acts of terror to me.

As for Americas culpability in mass murders and genocide, well aren't governments commiting atrocities on thier own soil - no matter how horrible - still just a government exterminating and oppressing it's people? and these thousands of people we killed with long range missiles - was that during a war? You know, government vs. government, military targets with collateral damage? Last I heard Osama has never been in charge of a country's government and no country declared war on us before 9/11

I guess it's still more of that word play, huh? ;)

anyway... how about them Redskins?
Hello, Anyone who takes martial arts is not because of the "Terrorist".

We have too worry more about the people around us...the "bad" people.

In Hawaii...if you do business down the harbors...you need a special card.
Requires a special class by the Harbor Division. About two hours long.

Purpose is to be extra eyes and ears for the government (look out's) for anything suspicious, and report it to the proper people listed on the card.

The main reason for this...it is "IMPOSSIBLE" for them to inspect every single cargo/container that comes in to Hawaii.

Did you know on the "BIG Island of Hawaii", Kawaihae harbor....ONLY one container may get inspected a week from all the hunderds that arrive every week!

The mainland (USA)harbors are worst... they receive thousands of container a week...and only a hand few are inspected.....EXPECT ....TERRRIOST actions coming from the containers.

Next week special classes on "DEFENDING against containers".....1st lesson Open doors.... stay tune for more....like the lift and block...than the send back techniques.........Aloha
To train aginst terrorists. You would train for kill, subdue, and disarm, Then how to notice activity that alerts you to possible problems. But there have been several jump on the band wagon. teach terrorist defence tactics for the sake of money really. M/A alone can not fight these people you need weapons training and profile understanding. Most terrorist will have some kind of weapon And they have a plan the average person will not know anything until something happens or is about to happen. And most terrorist are ready to die for there cause. A person has to realize the needed action and the end result. Most M/A schools train to deal with secondary defence. And many who train in a M/A . are not out after a hard core training that prepares them for hard fought street fight much less a terrorist. Mental training how to stay calm be smart would best meet there needs. Someone wanting to kill you or others Will be ahead on a plan and you will be surprised when it comes down. How one deals will be that moment. But here in the U S it can happen but when , If, and what will happen well Train smart think smart live your life Its a new age in what you call terrorist activity. They are the hidden danger small in numbers that strike targets that is aimed at our goverment our financial areas. Our goverment has trained people that over hear, investigate and deal with it as nessasry as they can. I would not promote terrorist training for a M/A class because I believe its more for the money Of the few that have Tried to set up training for the public At a fee.
Now that I think about it, if your talking about being hijacked like the sep. 11 victims and not getting carbombed then martial arts could save you... wait ... no it couldnt because who would fly the damn plane? Well anyways at least you could take the boxcutter weilding punk out before you died..
spinkick said:
Now that I think about it, if your talking about being hijacked like the sep. 11 victims and not getting carbombed then martial arts could save you... wait ... no it couldnt because who would fly the damn plane? Well anyways at least you could take the boxcutter weilding punk out before you died..
Between ILS and the radio communications, the plane could almost land itself. Besides, I'd rather take my chances with someone attempting to land the plane rather than crash it.