teaching at a health club

I teach at a local club.

It's kinda like the YMCA, but it's not. I'm retired and I just volunteer there. My classes are...

Self-Defense I - Basic knowledge on awareness, basic drills, etc. For little kids
Self-Defense II - Second level for little kids

Combat Training I - For teens and adults
Combat Training II - For teens and adults

Advanced Training - For people who I think should go there

The process is relatively simple. You just give your experience and credentials. Just don't expect to be paid, this is donating your time to help others. I do get benefits, such as being a member of the health club and going in to swim, run, or lift.
Originally posted by MartialArtist
. Just don't expect to be paid,

Ummm...why not????? I get paid. granted, it's not much now, but has the potential to become quite a bit if i'm any good at getting more students.

I get a percentage of the program fee, which, IMO, is the best way to do it if you can get them to listen to why.

BTW, my apologies to anyone who has requested emails but hasn't gotten info. I get to visit the board less and less.

Just email [email protected] if you still want any of the info I have and I'll send it to you.
Let me ask a question that has a twist on it. My daughter currently takes gymnastics and the gym is changing ownership for reasons to long to discuss but the gymnastics program is successful. They are moving into a 20,000 square foot building but only using about 10,000 and want to put a martial arts program in there along with other health related activities in the remaining 10,000 or so, they want to build a gym and workout area, etc. They want to be like the "Y' in a way. They have plenty of capital, are not new to the business they have done this before and were very successful in another state sold the business and were planning on doing it again just not here but when they stopped in to stay awhile they decided to do it here. I was at the meeting about the change and mentioned that my Sifu was interested in possibly providing the martial arts, since we had discussed this situation in the past and I knew he would be interested. We stopped by the new facility yesterday after a seminar and were quite impressed.

Now for my question, does anyone have any experience outside of the "Y" (or in the "Y" as an independent contractor) as to the success of the program and what he can expect in a setting like this. What do you think about the potential for students, 1 day self defense classes etc... He would be in there essentially subleasing the space under his name. This would be another location, he has no intention of closing the main facility but may close a satellite operation down. The last MA group that was with the gym several years ago before they moved the gym to another part of town and he and his students did not want to travel had 50 or 60 students that he credited to be directly related to the gymnasics program.

We see great possibilites for growth, do you agree or disagree? Any comments or experience good or bad are appreciated.
I taught at a local health club for awhile and the only problem was competing with the Aerobics classes for the best time slots, they usually won.:(
I had the same problem at our health club. Luckly the aerobic classes were getting smaller and they didn't like the little kids having to walk all the way through the gym.