Teach me those moves out of this movie


Master Black Belt
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
Effingham, Illinois
How many of you have had someone come in and want you to teach them a move they saw in a movie. Like how to fly in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, or sprial kick out of the Matrix.
Bob :D
lol well never had anyone wanting to learn stuff that was in a movie... might be easier to teach that than what i have been asked to teach lol... i had a 18 year old guy come in who wanted to learn how to move and punch and strike like they do on dragon ball z... it took everything i had to keep from laughing my head off and the sad thing was that he was serious
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

How many of you have had someone come in and want you to teach them a move they saw in a movie. Like how to fly in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, or sprial kick out of the Matrix.
Bob :D

None, but I've seen teachers try and teach some of the things they've seen on TV.....
