tae kwon do tounament



i was invited to a TKD tourny and i am excited to go. i really want to see how the art is! can someone tell me wat to expect because i might be askign myself "whats he dion?!"

It will depend on if it is a oplimpic style tournament or some different type. If it is a point tournament I belive kicks to the head will be scored higher than kicks to the body and you will most likely not see to many hand techniques counted at all. I could be wrong some of the others will need to give answeres also.
Whatever happens I hope you will let us know your impression of what you see.
TKD people tend to drop their hands alot, so if your alowed to punch to the face you should have a good time.
Don't you have to study TKD to be in their tournament? You won't have a belt or uniform to use in the competition, not to mention you won't have a category since you don't have a belt. How'd you get invited to this?
Originally posted by Marginal

I think he was invited to watch a tourament.

OOOOooooohhh! lol. Missunderstood. Ok then he needs to clarify what style of TKD it is so that the people here can help him out with understanding the point system. Understanding the point system is the foundation of the sparring itself. So try to keep an open mind.
Aaaahhh, much more sense.

Ask whoever invited you how they score for the point system. A lot of tournaments have their own special rules, though for the most post part it will follow the rules of the larger organization that put it together.
yes, i was invited to WATCH not fight. ok, i will ask him because i never knew there were different styles or rating systems.

what he did say is its going to be in a basketball stadium. thatll be big! will they be running around or staying at one area
Most TKD tournys are held in much larger places than basket ball gyms. Most have 8 or 10 rings going at one time, so no - the competitors won't be sprinting around after each other over the whole floor!:D
The last time I competed in the USTU nationals , it was held in the Super Dome in Atlanta.There were approx. 80 fighters ( all of whom previously medaled at their respective state championships)in each of the black belt weight divisions.
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson

i was invited to a TKD tourny and i am excited to go. i really want to see how the art is! can someone tell me wat to expect because i might be askign myself "whats he dion?!"

Sorry, but I wouldn't make decisions on an art by looking at one tournament.

Be prepared to be disappointed. A lot of the sparring has gotten to the point where it does not even look like fighting nor is practical. Does not mean TKD is impractical, but a lot of tournament sparring has.
the tournament will be OCT 19 at i think UC long beach in california.