Tactics against the flamingo sparrer




I just wanted some input from people about tactics about how to spar someone who uses flamingo style heavily. What I mean by flamingo is standing on one leg and having the other leg constantly chambered in usually a sidekick ready position or kind of half way inbetween a front kick and a sidekick position.

your fiendly fiend,
as in tournament or just no rules at all???? have to take too different approaches lol.....

tournament... just rush him and try to jam his kick with one of your own or side step it and nail him with a reverse punch to the gut.

non-tournament... try moving in and doing a low spinning sweep when he goes for the kick or maybe even a scissor sweep... or you could side step the kick and catch his leg and drag thru into the splits lol... just some ideas hope they get ya thinking
I agree. At an open tourney one never does that, your groin is too exposed and mobility limited. A body was designed to rest on two feet, on one his mobility and balance are limited. Use that in your favor.
I agree that is a tactic I don't favour using either, but as for the suggestion for jamming the leg or checking it, that just leaves a tussle of two legs, doesn't really give a nice clean solution.

The gut hit idea was interesting but on one foot you spin round just as fast as someone running around in a sidestep motion.

The sweep is definately a sound solution, but for sparring it's not permitted generally. No-one in their right mind would go into a street fight on one leg! You'd just tackle them or something!

I'm talking more specifically against someone who is very flexible and sitting their on one leg waiting for you to come at them to they hit you with a midsection sidekick or high turning kick or some other kick snap kick...

your friendly fiend,
ok say the guy is on one leg you move in he throws the mid level side kick you parry and side step he should be moving forward and away from you if he is using any power in the kick at all and your parry should also help in redirecting him... this should leave you enough time to land the reverse punch to the gut of the chest or at least put you inside of him to where it counters his kicking ability and puts him at a disadvantage... the other idea would be on the same principle wait for the kick and move to the inside and hook the leg with your arm trapping it and eliminating it from the equation... at this point you can pummel him with your other hand or simply sweep him to the ground... there are more options though...
I have two favorites. First is stay in a closed stance (if he is left forward then you are the same and vice versa) and slide step either direction slightly off his center line. As soon as the side step is initiated, launch a spin heel kick to the chest or head. If he is on his back leg, he will have a very hard time avoiding you. He will also have to deal with having his lead leg/favorite weapon "slipped" like a boxer's jab with superior reach experiences against a shorter slugger who moves inside at a slight angle. If you hit his guard, he now has to fight for balance as you follow up with a roundhouse, punch or any other follow up that makes good common sense. It is a good gap closer for the taller or shorter man in TKD.

Second one I like comes from an "open" stance. When the front leg fighter balances on his back leg, slide step into his blind side at a 45 degree angle and unleash a rear leg roundhouse either to the body or head followed by a spin side kick to his side/ribs. If you are shorter, this is an excellent way of closing the gap, sidestepping his lead leg and hand, stepping away from his rear/power side and he now must scramble to regain his proper alignment and/or distance. His stance is crossed up. You of course stay glued to him until you deliver your flurry. I call this slipping in the backdoor. A fast, tall, front leg kicker is best approached at a slight angle around his front leg.

If he comes to you, if you are able, stay just outside his reach and see if he puts his weight on his front leg appreciably, when moving forward. If so, time a straight entry toward his front leg with a front leg attack of your own when he puts weight on his front leg. He can't kick with the front leg if he has his weight shifted upon it. This gives the opponent an illusion of superior speed, on your part, if he does not understand what you are doing to him. He just knows you are getting off the blocks first and he can't draw his favorite weapon quick enough. I call this "reeling in" as in fishing. Frustration on his part causes him to change his tactics sometimes and he now must fight your game.

Go get 'em,
white belt
Excellent reply and advise white belt. Thanks. You show real insight into the art and I can see your very committed. :samurai:

I especially liked the closed stance idea myself, I use a similar technique of sidestepping and doing a reverse heel kick in one motion which I called the 'chris cross' since a friend called chris showed it me! It's a one of my favourites because I'm particular powerful and able with that attack.

your friendly fiend,
If your fighting under WTF rules, back kick the hell out of his riased leg. Your kick will land on his hamstring or groin, but thats his problem. Kicking a leg that is in itself raised to kick is considered insidental.Again if you land a groin shot while your opponents leg is in the air, this is usually treated in the same manner.
Whit belt, we call an "open stance" the situation were both players chests face the same direction - is this the same for you?
I would say low line spin sweeps, and the scissors takedown should work fine. If your in close enough to execute the techniques.
the guy likes flamingo...hmm...let's see...the leg is chambered so it can launch any kick...leg above plane of belt...AHA! the leg's a legal target if it's above the belt. when he launches a kick, just don't block/parry, STRIKE IT! make it so he doesn't wanna use it again. also, try some feint moves. if his leg is chambered, and just like everyone else has said in the thread, he won't have much mobility. throw a front-leg front kick towards groin/chest and as he goes to block it or dodge, immediately change it into a round kick to the head or hook kick, works for me. :) if you go for the front/hook feint, after the hook kick, go for a round kick after making contact with the hook. also, try a stomach/chest level side kick and as your leg extends change it into a hook.

The definition of an "open" stance I use would be when the two fighters chests are pointing toward the same side of the room. Example; fighter "A" has his left foot forward. Fighter "B" has his right foot forward. Sorry if I was not clear earlier.

white belt
the guy likes flamingo...hmm...let's see...the leg is chambered so it can launch any kick...leg above plane of belt...AHA! the leg's a legal target if it's above the belt.
I should file a suite for plagiarism!:EG:

jfarnsworth, I got the impression the_kicking_fiend was refering to sport TKD (from his second post), your gunna get him DQed!
Originally posted by fissure
jfarnsworth, I got the impression the_kicking_fiend was refering to sport TKD (from his second post), your gunna get him DQed!

He He, You know I got disqualified at almost every danm tournament I was in. I even fought full contact and got penalized for an illegal move. :confused: Oh well, take my advice and use it on the street where it would more save your butt.:D
Fissure, I guess I didn't read it throughly enough before I posted. It was last night after my wife was yelling at me anyway.:shrug:
I only pray that if I get into another street fight, the dumb *** comes at me hopping on one leg!:EG:
:rofl: :rofl: Good lord, now that was a funny mental picture.

But seriously maybe an axe kick can slide in from the side their leg is up. After the attacker regains balance then go for the body slam and the hollywood hogan leg drop. Well maybe not the leg drop as that will hurt the **** when falling on concrete. Go for the Jimmy Snuka off of the park bench or something.:D :rofl:
First of all I am just stating wat I would do, this does not necessarrily mean that I am telling u wat to do ok? Different techniques are different for diff ppl

Tournament -

Puch heavily in the torso and sweep his legs

Real fight -

Make a junge for his leg and possible hold it in a submission.......

After the attacker regains balance then go for the body slam and the hollywood hogan leg drop. Well maybe not the leg drop as that will hurt the **** when falling on concrete. Go for the Jimmy Snuka off of the park bench or something.

I can only assume that you, much like everyone else in Ohio, are delirious with glee from last nights game!
Here in the sticks we take excitement however it comes our way.:D By the way that was an awesome game full of surprises and weird events during the game.
You know you all will never hear the end of that pass interference call in the first over time! It was one hell of a game!