sidekick backkick aerial combo



I was just wondering whether anyone knew if there was an official name for the technque. It's very difficult and I can only do it against a puncbag (one of those ones shaped like a man). I take a short run up, jump a it with a right leg sidekick to chest then spin quickly and just beofre a land hit him in the head usually with a backkick off my left leg (my better kicking leg). It's not intentioanl that the second one is higher, it's so damn difficult anyway I just settle with being able to do it.

I cannot however do this in thin air. I need a punchbag to bounce off with the sidekick. This gives me a little more airtime to spin and hit.

I find the same thing with a *proper* 360 turning kick. By proper I mean using ball of foot (or sometimes top of foot) and NOT instep i.e. 360 CRESENT kick. Using ball of foot gives much larger range but landing in thin air again is so hard I usually fall over having lost my balance. But against a punchbag it's so much easier to land no matter what height I deliver the 360 at.

Anyone got any comments or experience in any of these things? Would appreciate advise and suggestions...

your friendly fiend,
I've only been able to do that combo. as a lead leg roundhouse then then jump back kick. I found it easier to use with the rotational torque of the body since your body wants to move that way already. I don't know if that helps but that's my experience.
you might want to try beginning it with a sliding side-kick. It has more deception to it that way, and you're not as committed to do both kicks. This way also gives you better range for application... atleast for me it does, because I have really long legs. ONce you've got that down, then you can use the hook kick in place of the back kick. As far as names for the kicks, I'm not sure....
Are you talking about a front leg sliding kick then the jump back kick? Well probably either fron or rear would work I guess.
No; no front kick or hook kicks, both kicks are straight. Take a running jump, then when in the air do a sidekick with your weaker leg. Whilst STILL in the air spin and hit the target with a backkick off your stronger leg before you land. Sounds a bit Jacky Chan but you can do it, trust me. You need a target though I find. If you don't hit something with the first sidekick, you just fall back down, but by hitting it you can bounce off it giving you more air time to pull out the second kick.

Try it against a fixed base punchbag if you have access to one.

To practise for the combo you can (as I did)...

- hopping on one leg in flamingo style stance then jump up twist in air to hit with a backkick (so the leg that you attack with is the leg you were just hopping on a second ago). [Done this in sparring before and worked a treat]

- running at the target, jump, raise your front leg as if you're going to sidekick but then spin and do a backkick off your other leg.

These techniques I have found CAN be done in thin air without a punchbag to bounce off but they're not easy! Well at least I found them hard when I first began practising them!

your friendly fiend,
If you're having trouble doing it in air without a target, it's probably because you aren't pulling your sidekick back. Hitting something forces you to pull it back which torques your body, helping to bring the backkick around, but otherwise if you're just dropping the sidekick leg instead of chambering it'll be far more difficult to whip the backkick around.

The way I would suggest you practice it is to do jumping sidekicks against no targets but kick out and chamber it back it well before you land. The chambering of the sidekick is necessary. That's the problem most people initially have with the move.

Just so you know, it's just called a jumping sidekick to backkick. An "aerial" is another type of kick which is basically a cartwheel without hands.
Oh ye I know what you mean, man to be able to do an aerial cartwheel would be sooo cool. Imagine doing that in a tournament... everyone would be like... woah. I have tried this before, and my god it hurts. I've done it about twice but the number of times it went wrong severly outweighed the gain from doing it right twice! lol! I can do one handed cartwheels and sometimes second-handed cartwheels but as we all know you can't touch the ground in tournament sparring.

your friendly fiend,
I've been able to actually do the jumping side/spinning back combo while sparring and pulled it off twice. I didn't do a running start cause that woulda been a dead give away. I was in a left foot fighting stance and lead with a left back fist to get their hands up then jumped did a light left side kick for the trampoline effect, spun and did the right back kick. sent the person I was sparring on their bum. unfortunately I can only do the combo while leading with the left. if I try it right I don't get the spin right and usually end up on my ****. another nifty kick to try (no clue about a name for it) is kind of a triple side kick, again I can only do it while leading with the left (which is strange cause I'm right-footed). okay, if leading with the left, you do a jumping left sidekick, make contact, retract the left, while still in the same position as you did the left side kick, throw the right foot (sort of a inverted side kick) make contact, and throw the left again. the last is gonna be the power kick with the most extension. after the last I always land in a very wide stance, it's not intentional, it's just that this white boy can't jump. :D
Coming from someone who loves trickz, I'd be stupid enough to try it, even if it hurts LOL. But I haven't gotten the 540 down yet ...... gggggrrrrrrrrr :mad:
Originally posted by Chronuss
.... unfortunately I can only do the combo while leading with the left. if I try it right I don't get the spin right and usually end up on my ****. :D

If your right hand dominant; the right leg will be more accurate/powerful and able to do the better combos. I find this absolutely true for myself. My left side is still the weaker of the two as far as kicks. Mainly any of the jumping or flashy kick you'll see done off of my right side. It's just a thought for you.
Originally posted by karatekid1975
... But I haven't gotten the 540 down yet ...... gggggrrrrrrrrr :mad:

I have yet to get this properly. I was kind of lucky that my TKd instructor didn't ask for 100% perfection on every kick on both sides. Maybe I was lucky maybe not I guess that depends on who reads this post. As far as the 540 kick I've yet to figure out how it would benefit me in a sparring or life threating fight.:) That's just my opinion. Well, cool enough in tournament forms.
As far as the 540 kick I've yet to figure out how it would benefit me in a sparring or life threating fight

I find that these types of kick are a result of excellent basics. So other than looking 'pretty' they are a good method of feedback to the kicker.

Not that I've gotten so far as to perfect the 540, but after practising it I realized my shortcomings on the 360 and went back and fixed those first, those mainly being not enough height and snap.

Hardest thing to do on a 540 is to get the dang non-kicking leg up...WAY up. It has to be at least up to chest height when you flail the kicking/landing leg up. It's tricky. You've got to have a REALLY good tornado kick and 360 roundhouse/turn kick (whichever you call it).

I do some trick kicking, but I really only do it because if I can it means im a) in good shape, and b) have my basics down REALLY well. No wonder why I have trouble. :D
If your right hand dominant; the right leg will be more accurate/powerful and able to do the better combos. I find this absolutely true for myself. My left side is still the weaker of the two as far as kicks. Mainly any of the jumping or flashy kick you'll see done off of my right side. It's just a thought for you.

you know, that would seem to make more sense...but it doesn't. it's really weird. I can't do any jumping kicks off my right leg...when I try it looks like I'm a having a tourette fit. I do all my jumping kicks with my left leg. strange thing is, I have more power and control over my right leg. weird, huh?
can someone explain a 540 kick to me... I understand that it has 1.5 rotations in the air...but how is it done and with which kick?
jfarnsworth wrote:

As far as the 540 kick I've yet to figure out how it would benefit me in a sparring or life threating fight.:) That's just my opinion. Well, cool enough in tournament forms.

You won't, in my opinion. The trick kicks to me are fun. The have no "self defense" value (unless you are REALLY good and REALLY fast). I do them for "flash." Nothing more. I like to learn them just to say "I can." :D
a 540 kick can really be done with any kick, I've seen a lot of people do what they call a 540 but they're really just doing a front step followed by a 360 jump. then again some black belts I know well claim to be bale to do a 360, but basically just spin on one foot then only jump the last 90. Hell if that counted I can do a perfect 1080 :D
can someone explain a 540 kick to me... I understand that it has 1.5 rotations in the air...but how is it done and with which kick?

Let's start with, do you know what a tornado kick is?
If were all on the same page here (maybe or maybe not). My interpretation of this kick is if your standing right side forward. Jump up and spin a total of 360 degrees. Now when spinning through the air you kick with a left outward crescent instead of with the right. This is how I had done this when I was with my TKD instructor of course it's been about 10 or so years since I have even thought about doing this kick.

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