Is the ITF Cultish?



Does anyone else find this closed mindedness and self righteous thinking of the ITF cultish?
Sometimes. But then after awhile you realize it stems from the same group of people so you can just roll your eyes a bit.
Which ITF? ;)

You can find that element in pretty much any MA organization. Doesn't mean that that's representative of the whole though.
Originally posted by Marginal
Which ITF? ;)

Hahaha. They are all cultish with themselves. Or perhaps the appropriate word would be "clique' "
Originally posted by Marginal
Which ITF? ;)

You can find that element in pretty much any MA organization. Doesn't mean that that's representative of the whole though.

That really only applies to the ones at the top. They still find it being a traitor, if you study another art.:asian:
Which ITF?

What, at present there are two .... ahhh... three or more??? "Will the Real ITF Please Stand Up?!" :confused:
Originally posted by KennethKu
not so

The ones that are connected to Vienna think that way. The ones to the Generals son are more open minded.
They still find it being a traitor, if you study another art

That's the very reason I left the ITF, I was accused of "bastardizing" TKD by also studying kenpo. Their loss, now I just do kenpo and systema and rarely do any TKD stuff.

Hmm.... Cultish...

White Robes with Colord belts... Chants at the beginning of class... strange bowing.. belt "ceremonies"..

bow, slaute, whatever. The real issue is, how do you explain all the goat sacrificing? :D
Ok, I'm getting out of this one before the poo hits the fan...
When General Choi sightings start, then the ITF will classify as a cult. I was involved with a real MA cult over 20 years ago. The ITF, of which I am not a member, is just trying to follow tradition from what I have seen. A cult wants to take over your finances and severe your ties with outside influences such as family. Anyone seen these two things from the ITF?

white belt
well i havn't seen those two things in ITF... may be we r just different ?:rolleyes:
I definitely don't think that it is a cult. It is just a different philosiphy and "spin" on TKD.