Stuck in a rut.



Okay when you learn Kenpo or any type of martial arts for that matter you learn step by step. i.e. you learn the first technique on the list then the next then the next etc.......

When you practise your techniques more often then not you practise the tech's in the order they are printed on the list. Of course you mix them up every now and again but you still may think of them as okay that's the one after "such'in such". :confused:

But have you ever tried to do techniques when someone describes the attack to you (as written in the manual) or even just say what's the only technique for a right cross or reverse punch? :confused:

My instructor did this to me the other day and totally blew my mind. I didn't know whether I was coming or going. :erg: Now before you think I'm a total dunce I can usually rhym off the techs and or the attacks but when he came at me with this different point of view I was Stymied. We had a good laugh and eventually got through them. It was a great learning experience. :D

Does anyone out there mix up there teaching of the technical side of their training like that?
Please stop coming to class drunk.

That's my job.
Three or six months after I started learning Kenpo, when a technique was mentioned I found myself thinking, "okay, that's the seventh one on the chart." I realized quickly that that's a silly trap to get caught in! So I entered all of the techniques that I'd learned so far into a Microsoft Word document, printed it out, and cut up the page so that I had strips of paper with one technique each. There have been a few times when I've had my wife pick the techniques randomly from a bowl and call them out while I perform them in the next room (she's not studying with me, so she has no idea which chart they're on, or where they fall in the chart that they are on). And there have been a few times when I've been working out alone and just picked them myself. I keep thinking about setting up a little database, then writing a program that will print all of the techniques randomly, then printing out a new list each time I work out at home and work on techniques. But other things keep taking higher priority. :)

Whenever we're going over techniques in a class I think it's a mistake for the instructor to always call them out in order; if I ever get to be an instructor, I'm going to mix up my students from day one!

Don't take this personal but .......... :2xbird:

heh heh heh

Originally posted by KenpoGirl
Don't take this personal but .......... :2xbird:

I won't take it personal. I'm drunk.
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

Does anyone out there mix up there teaching of the technical side of their training like that?

Yes, we often do a technique line and Mr. Duffy will call out "any punch," "any kick" or we have a cool semi-circle drill where you face some opponents and they randomly attack you with a random attack.

But I know what you mean about being thrown a curve. I used to be more like that but I try to think of the techniques as related to attacks. So when I get a new technique now, I try to think of what else it is like and why it is different from another one and how each could be modified to do the job of the other.

You make good points. Even if Gou is drunk. :eek:
Originally posted by cdhall
Even if Gou is drunk. :eek:

Yes but when I sober up tomorrow...I will still be good looking.

In all seriousness. I think Zach Whitson's video would help you a lot with spontanaity Dot. But that is just my 2 cents.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Yes but when I sober up tomorrow...I will still be good looking.

In all seriousness. I think Zach Whitson's video would help you a lot with spontanaity Dot. But that is just my 2 cents.

LOL The way you are promoting this video, I'm beginning to wonder if you get a commission from the sales to Canada. ;)

I do intend to buy that video one day but $75 CAN is mighty steep. I have the Tim Hartman seminar coming up so this month is shot for that purchase.

I intend to request that Bryson, my instructor keep "mixin' it up" for me so that I don't get stuck in that rut again. At the very least, my flailing about trying to remember them, will be worth a good laugh for him.

LOL I am actually in the process of making myself some "Cue Cards" with the various techniques on them so that I can mix them up and keep on top of all it.
ya get to know them...when we test they ask us for what attack is this tech. used for...the key you ask......practice,practice,practice
youll do good..
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

LOL The way you are promoting this video, I'm beginning to wonder if you get a commission from the sales to Canada. ;)

I do intend to buy that video one day but $75 CAN is mighty steep.

Canada? Why would I want to leave America just to visit America, Jr.?
Homer Simpson

(just kidding ;) )

It's a good idea that you don't following a set pattern and get into a rut...........your technique should be instinctive and come naturally.


  • $canada.jpg
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That picture is DAMN funny!!!

Thanks to everyone so far that has posted ideas and support.

That doesn't include Gou of course. :p
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

Okay when you learn Kenpo or any type of martial arts for that matter you learn step by step. i.e. you learn the first technique on the list then the next then the next etc.......

When you practise your techniques more often then not you practise the tech's in the order they are printed on the list. Of course you mix them up every now and again but you still may think of them as okay that's the one after "such'in such". :confused:

But have you ever tried to do techniques when someone describes the attack to you (as written in the manual) or even just say what's the only technique for a right cross or reverse punch? :confused:

My instructor did this to me the other day and totally blew my mind. I didn't know whether I was coming or going. :erg: Now before you think I'm a total dunce I can usually rhym off the techs and or the attacks but when he came at me with this different point of view I was Stymied. We had a good laugh and eventually got through them. It was a great learning experience. :D

Does anyone out there mix up there teaching of the technical side of their training like that?

My solution? Train with me instead!;)
Originally posted by RCastillo

My solution? Train with me instead!;)

Oh Ricardo!!!

Best offer I've had all day. :D

But the commute would be a killer. ;)
Originally posted by GouRonin

Your jealousy is overwhelming.

You go ahead and keep thinking that, if it makes you happy. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Seig

Pshaw, nothing makes Gou happy.:D
Although, it is good to see some of his humor again!

According to Gou, there are two things that make him happy, Booze and Porn. There's only one problem, I can't find adult videos that feature sasquatch female on female action. :lol: I guess his futile attempt to find a sasquatch colony will continue indefinately. (Apparently right of passage for his membership in THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED SPETSNAZ)

Did you the Chinese word for "dog" is "Gou"?????


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