Arnisador -
If you have access to a taiji instructor, then I would recommend push hands training... But don't get caught in the taiji trap that push hands in anything more than an exercise.
It's like doing block-trap-counters or trapping drills in Modern Arnis - sure, they help you develop certain skills for fighting, but they themselves are not fighting... When you receive a strike with a stick, how many times do you expect to trap the guy up before you are cranking him in the melon? Same goes for push hands... How many strikes, pushes and grabs are you going to allow the baddie to toss your direction before you start smacking him like a cheap hooker that owes you money?
There are a lot of folks in the taiji community that fall victim to this, and think their push hands skill substitutes for their fighting skill. I suppose my comments here will pi$$ them off pretty good... Sorry! Not sorry!
If you are nowhere near a taiji instructor, or he/she refuses to push with you because you haven't undergone years of intensive qigong and forms training, then do this - either come up here to SeaTac and train with me (anytime, man, just let me know when you are heading out this way), or practice trapping drills in slow motion. Maintain the fluidity of the movements, don't go so slow that you are starting to yawn in between traps, and focus not on the timing so much so as the feeling of "feeling" his body when you redirect his strikes.