Steve DeMasco

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I've noticed in many of the students and even (if not especially) in my instructor, that once someone is sucked into the illusion that USSD is the very best, they tend to bash on *everyone* else. I was rather surprised when I heard my instructor say "Gracies are good..." when he was reading an article about Gracie Jujitsu in Black Belt Magazine.
I was once of that mindset, but having never studied any other styles, I of course wouldn't know for certain.

Seeing as I was a chief instructor, I figured out the brainwashing scheme and that was the final nail in the coffin for me. I no longer thought like them and wanted to study other styles as well as go back to college to further my education. They don't like it if you are smarter than them so, I was unfortunately injured by someone at HQ...which ironically happens a lot when people want to leave. Whenever you want to "improve and enhance the quality of your life, " but if you're an instructor, the answer is no, we are the best and there's no reason for you to do it. Sounds like brainwashing to meee...
Seeing as I was a chief instructor, I figured out the brainwashing scheme and that was the final nail in the coffin for me. I no longer thought like them and wanted to study other styles as well as go back to college to further my education. They don't like it if you are smarter than them so, I was unfortunately injured by someone at HQ...which ironically happens a lot when people want to leave. Whenever you want to "improve and enhance the quality of your life, " but if you're an instructor, the answer is no, we are the best and there's no reason for you to do it. Sounds like brainwashing to meee...

NOOOOO!!! Thats not brainwashing. Most people hang on every word the so called masters of shaolin say.
If you look at how many of these instructors will never run a school and will lose $15,000 and a lot of time spent with ussd. Its sad.
It's sad, but true. See, I keep on quoting their mission statement. They break every single part of it just by their real business practices. Life would be much better for USSD if they would just stick to ethical business practices and follow their own rules that they give for students.
It's sad, but true. See, I keep on quoting their mission statement. They break every single part of it just by their real business practices. Life would be much better for USSD if they would just stick to ethical business practices and follow their own rules that they give for students.

Yes I agree. Respect all martial artist even if they teach different style or leave you and open their own.
Yes I agree. Respect all martial artist even if they teach different style or leave you and open their own.

USSD makes fun of all the people that actually don't just teach martial arts for a living. they call them the "buddha heads." What happened to ettiquette? Isn't it bad manners to do that? Granted that I'm not showing my ettiquette right now, I'm being sincere and telling the truth, which is more than I can say for them and all of the well as Steve DeMasco. If you're a female I say watch out for him...he may be married but has a wandering hand, eye...whatever works best for you. Must my bitterness towards USSD always keep showing?
USSD makes fun of all the people that actually don't just teach martial arts for a living. they call them the "buddha heads." What happened to ettiquette? Isn't it bad manners to do that? Granted that I'm not showing my ettiquette right now, I'm being sincere and telling the truth, which is more than I can say for them and all of the well as Steve DeMasco. If you're a female I say watch out for him...he may be married but has a wandering hand, eye...whatever works best for you. Must my bitterness towards USSD always keep showing?

Thats true they do call them buddha heads. So teach martial arts for the love of it not for money whats wrong with that?
They arent sincere about what they teach ether. NO SHAOLIN.

I've heard the same about Damasco and others.
Thats true they do call them buddha heads. So teach martial arts for the love of it not for money whats wrong with that?
They arent sincere about what they teach ether. NO SHAOLIN.

I've heard the same about Damasco and others.

There's nothing wrong with teaching martial arts for the love of it. I know a lot of people that do it and have a great living. It's sad really that they have to think like that. You know, there's a Chinese saying that says something to the extent of just because you claim to study kung fu, you need to have chi gung in your life...otherwise your Kung Fu is meaningless. I know that USSD claims to teach Taiji and Chi Gung and they don't. They say to literally teach them Pinan 1 really slow and that's Taiji. Once again, not sincere about what they teach. The claim to teach a Chen Style form called "Cannon Fist" but it doesn't look like it at all. The substance is missing from it. No sincerity.
There's nothing wrong with teaching martial arts for the love of it. I know a lot of people that do it and have a great living. It's sad really that they have to think like that. You know, there's a Chinese saying that says something to the extent of just because you claim to study kung fu, you need to have chi gung in your life...otherwise your Kung Fu is meaningless. I know that USSD claims to teach Taiji and Chi Gung and they don't. They say to literally teach them Pinan 1 really slow and that's Taiji. Once again, not sincere about what they teach. The claim to teach a Chen Style form called "Cannon Fist" but it doesn't look like it at all. The substance is missing from it. No sincerity.

Wow what a bunch of lairs.
Yup. Where's his sincerity? Must have been flushed down the toliet along with his other values.
Being traditional CMA I have never paid much attention to the USSD and after reading through this post I think I will continue to not pay attention to the USSD.

I did just go to there website though and I can also happily say they have no school anywhere near me.

What you are talking about is interesting and just a tad bit scary.
To be fair I think you get both kinds of people at ussd. My instructor knows I have a lot of interest in other styles of martial arts and have thought about cross training, and he hasn't tried to talk me out of it at all. But while my instructor was away and another instructor was teaching us she was bagging other styles making comments like " tae kwon do sucks" and "wing chun is weak" which I didn't like, it showed her ignorence at making comments like that.
I know precisely who you're talking about... That's why Joshua thought she was at Layton.. She was dojositting?
I'm not to impressed by her. I think a little humility would be great for her though.
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