Steve DeMasco

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Black Belt
May 24, 2002
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I am not a Chinese artist. I do have to ask though, being as he is in so many publications. Is there much resprect for Steve DeMasco, he really loves the camera eye.

If I have offended sorry.
Originally posted by Bujingodai
I am not a Chinese artist. I do have to ask though, being as he is in so many publications. Is there much resprect for Steve DeMasco, he really loves the camera eye.

If I have offended sorry.
Mr. DeMasco is pretty well known on the east coast and as far as i know a very accomplished martial artist. A student of couple notable gong Fu teachers and a high ranking Shaolin Kempo practitioner. As far as the other guy that always budds in the pictures..., well don't get me started on him... Stay away.
Originally posted by kenmpoka
Mr. DeMasco is pretty well known on the east coast and as far as i know a very accomplished martial artist. A student of couple notable gong Fu teachers and a high ranking Shaolin Kempo practitioner. As far as the other guy that always budds in the pictures..., well don't get me started on him... Stay away.

You might as well tell us about him now. Since you brought it up.
Steve Demasco is a former student of Fred Villari who is now a 10th dan and Grandmaster of USSD and runs their east coast schools. Hope that helps.
I read his book 'The Shaolin Way'. I have some respect for him just knowing what he went through in his childhood.
Haven't read his book, but by the way you guys describe it, it sounds good. I'll have to pick up a copy.
I am not a Chinese artist. I do have to ask though, being as he is in so many publications. Is there much resprect for Steve DeMasco, he really loves the camera eye.

If I have offended sorry.

All I can say is I do CMA, I am from the East Coast, been in MA for 30 years and I never heard of him, but that means little. I don't get out much.

Steve Demasco is a former student of Fred Villari who is now a 10th dan and Grandmaster of USSD and runs their east coast schools. Hope that helps.

So then Mr Demasco does not do CMA I take it.
He's not particularly well liked in the CMA community (at least by those that have heard of him ;)). Basically bought into Shaolin lineage through the Shaolin Temple and then just started flat out making **** up. I don't remember all the details though. It's been awhile since I heard about it. Heard he might be an allright kenpo guy, but anything CMA related is ********.
He's not particularly well liked in the CMA community (at least by those that have heard of him ;)). Basically bought into Shaolin lineage through the Shaolin Temple and then just started flat out making s#it up. I don't remember all the details though. It's been awhile since I heard about it. Heard he might be an allright kenpo guy, but anything CMA related is B$.

I know why he's not liked but I wont say it here. goto and ask Master Ken Warner about damasco.
Steve Demasco is a former student of Fred Villari who is now a 10th dan and Grandmaster of USSD and runs their east coast schools. Hope that helps.

Steve DeMasco doesn't run the East Coast Schools. In fact, in the early 2001's, he lost 30 schools in CT over a weekend, plus he lost all 4 Long Island, NY schools. Doesn't that sound like a great business man? Martial art-wise, he's great...but, he's a great kempo guy. Kung fu - wise, not so great. Considering that he burns all the kung fu instructors that he comes in contact with, that should say something about him personally. Also, I would think his 9th and 10th dan promotions are questionable, seeing as one of his certificates translates to "this guy does cool stuff" in Mandarin. That's just me though...bitter about USSD to the core.
Steve DeMasco doesn't run the East Coast Schools. In fact, in the early 2001's, he lost 30 schools in CT over a weekend, plus he lost all 4 Long Island, NY schools. Doesn't that sound like a great business man? Martial art-wise, he's great...but, he's a great kempo guy. Kung fu - wise, not so great. Considering that he burns all the kung fu instructors that he comes in contact with, that should say something about him personally. Also, I would think his 9th and 10th dan promotions are questionable, seeing as one of his certificates translates to "this guy does cool stuff" in Mandarin. That's just me though...bitter about USSD to the core.

I've noticed in many of the students and even (if not especially) in my instructor, that once someone is sucked into the illusion that USSD is the very best, they tend to bash on *everyone* else. I was rather surprised when I heard my instructor say "Gracies are good..." when he was reading an article about Gracie Jujitsu in Black Belt Magazine.
I was once of that mindset, but having never studied any other styles, I of course wouldn't know for certain.
Steve DeMasco doesn't run the East Coast Schools. In fact, in the early 2001's, he lost 30 schools in CT over a weekend, plus he lost all 4 Long Island, NY schools. Doesn't that sound like a great business man? Martial art-wise, he's great...but, he's a great kempo guy. Kung fu - wise, not so great. Considering that he burns all the kung fu instructors that he comes in contact with, that should say something about him personally. Also, I would think his 9th and 10th dan promotions are questionable, seeing as one of his certificates translates to "this guy does cool stuff" in Mandarin. That's just me though...bitter about USSD to the core.

He burned his kung fu instructors? What happened? Did he steal from them?
I've noticed in many of the students and even (if not especially) in my instructor, that once someone is sucked into the illusion that USSD is the very best, they tend to bash on *everyone* else. I was rather surprised when I heard my instructor say "Gracies are good..." when he was reading an article about Gracie Jujitsu in Black Belt Magazine.
I was once of that mindset, but having never studied any other styles, I of course wouldn't know for certain.

Yes I noticed that!
I asked my instructor about shaolin do and he said they were crap. I asked him about another kempo school that was down the street from my house that fought all the time and he said the same thing about them.
Arent we supposed to respeact other arts?
I guess if were the bullies on the block if their not ussd they suck.
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