
Well done Justin, keep going!

Just remember a black belt is a white belt that never gave up.

I remember when I was in the colour belt ranks, it's wasn't too long ago. My posts keeping everyone updated on my gradings are still on here as well!

It won't be long until you are suddenly at that BB grading wondering how the heck you got there! lol

Good luck and most importantly enjoy the journey.
Hello everyone. It's been a while since I've been on here. Let me get you up to date on what's been happening. I'm a green belt getting ready to test for green-stripe belt in a few weeks. I also joined the Black Belt Club at my Dojang and got a new uniform along with that. But I'm still waiting for the weapons. My school's in the middle of getting ready to move to a new location, but there's been a delay due to some issues with the hv/ac. Well, that's pretty much it for now. Tae Kwon.
been doing my art, Shotokan, for nearly 5 months and I'm absolutely mad and passionate about it!

I think of ma sometimes as something like a big ole bag of lays potato chips, y'know, once you get a taste, you just can't stop. :)
Hello, everyone. It's been quite awhile since I've been on here. Let me get you up to speed on some things that have been happening since you heard from me last. First, it's been a year now since I started my Tae Kwon Do training and I'm still enjoying every minute of it (almost) as a blue-striped belt. Second, this coming October, I'll be an Uncle for the first time. Lastly, you can see my Tae Kwon Do videos on my YouTube channel: Well, that's it for now. See ya.
Hey, everyone. It's been a long time since I posted on here last. Let me fill you in on what's new in my life. First of all, I've been in Tae Kwon Do for a year and 7 months as of tomorrow and I'm now the Uncle of a 2 month old baby boy named Zane. Well, that's about it for now. See ya.
Hello Dustin, it's been fun to read through your posts/journey of your first two years of Tae Kwon Do. I am currently also in Tae Kwon Do, and have been for about the same amount of time! It's great to see a fellow practitioner, and way to stick with it! The journey I am sure has been a fun and hopefully also challenging one. I understand how you feel, I find it hard to believe I've been in TKD as long as I have as well. Sometimes it feels as though I just joined yesterday ;)

Keep it up! And enjoy the journey- after all, that's what it's all about, right? :)
