Stand by your stances?


Brown Belt
Jun 30, 2002
Reaction score
With all the emphasis on good stances in training- how many found themselves using them in actual battle?

Opinions, perspectives, anecdotes- all comments welcomed.
Well, after a hard day in the battlefield.... *cough* ¬_¬

Seriously though, I don't know how the stances in my system compare to everything else, but I know that some stance transitions are *extremely* important for me.

You see, i am a very small person (though I'm waiting for that last growth spurt, then everyone will see! Hahaha!!), so I can't rely on strength alone to put the power behind my technique. I've been concentrating a lot on hip transitions, like between back stance and forward stance, to generate the power I would need to throw a decent punch.

I can say that at first it required a lot of thought, but I've concentrated on it for so long that now I make the stance transition without thinking, it's just a natural movement for me. Being small, I have to focus a lot on the power I can get from my hips and my shoulders, and stance transitions are an important part of that.

Fortunately, though, I've not had to use it yet. ^_^

I don't know if that's what you were looking for, but there it is nonetheless, hehe.
Being as I am nearly wide as I am tall, I find that good solid stances are a must; especially in combat. I have a naturally low center of gravity and by combining that with a good solid stance, it makes me very near immovable.
Originally posted by Seig

Being as I am nearly wide as I am tall, I find that good solid stances are a must; especially in combat. I have a naturally low center of gravity and by combining that with a good solid stance, it makes me very near immovable.

Man you're in need of a mirror.. you're not a Box ~!!

but he's right.. you want to try moving a brick wall.. well have a go at Seig~!!!

I tend to use a low base stance. I find it drives alot of my opponents crazy when they are standing straight up and I'm nearly on the ground.. plus with tecs.. I tend to take a wider stance as I have very muscular legs and am a 'on my toes type person'.
Hi Tess,

Do you guys use leg kicks in your sparring?

Just curious, people in really deep stances often suck up lots of damage to their legs if they are allowed. Do you think that would be a problem for you given your stated "low base stance?"


Originally posted by jazkiljok

With all the emphasis on good stances in training- how many found themselves using them in actual battle?

Opinions, perspectives, anecdotes- all comments welcomed.

I find I'll use a neutral bow for just about everything, so I would say I do :)

I think the most practical of the stances become the kneel's. When you start to progress (my opinion) your mind and body just start using the close & wide kneel stances. I have found for myself that it just becomes more mobile and natural of the stances plus the upper belt material your neutral & forward bow start getting less and less. Just an opinion though.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by Blindside

Hi Tess,

Do you guys use leg kicks in your sparring?

Just curious, people in really deep stances often suck up lots of damage to their legs if they are allowed. Do you think that would be a problem for you given your stated "low base stance?"



Hi Lamont,

Yes we use kicks in our sparring.. I find when I fire off a round or front kick when in my low stance.. it surprises my opponent because they have no clue how I did that.. there's only a couple of us that use the low stances.. and they are great for coming up with an upper cut to the 'target area' ..
also when in my low stance.. with weight bearing on back leg.. I can slide into a front twist stance .. and attack.. then right back away.. with good distance attained.. hope this helps :)

Hi Tess,

Actually I was referring to people using legs as targets of kicks, and whether that was allowed in your sparring. Alot of deep stances go out the window when you introduce these targets to your sparring because the front leg of a deep stance makes way too good a target to pass up.

Leg targets are usually the thigh, inside or outside, and the calf.

Just curious,

Frankly, if you don't have stances and aren't losing most all of your fights... You're just lucky ... so far!:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Klondike93
I find I'll use a neutral bow for just about everything :)

Well, that is the base....... you probably don't even realize the transitions yet. Film yourself and watch it slow mo........

see how many stances you can find........

the definition of Stance......
It is a snapshot of motion!

Leg kicks are restricted to the advanced belts that can execute them without leaving someone crippled. Whay is a low stance for me would probably be considered normal for most others. My legs are barely long enought to reach the ground.
Originally posted by Blindside

Hi Tess,

Actually I was referring to people using legs as targets of kicks, and whether that was allowed in your sparring. Alot of deep stances go out the window when you introduce these targets to your sparring because the front leg of a deep stance makes way too good a target to pass up.

Leg targets are usually the thigh, inside or outside, and the calf.

Just curious,


Ahh ok Lamont, sorry bout that.. this Old age fusion comes on slow but deadly :)

as Seig says.. the upper belts are only allowed to kick below the waist.. we use leg sweeps (front leg only) etc.. I'm more of a hand person myself, and tend to get where I'm going without having to rely heavily on the kicks.. hence my ability to fight low stance .. I use alot of body movement when I fight too.. I'm not quite sure how to explain what I mean .. hahaa.. Maybe Seig or Stickdummy or someone who's sparred me can help out here ;)
Since I don't 'see' myself as others do :)

Originally posted by Seig

Being as I am nearly wide as I am tall, I find that good solid stances are a must; especially in combat. I have a naturally low center of gravity and by combining that with a good solid stance, it makes me very near immovable.

Dang it, would you quit stealing my words, becuase that is ME you describe!(minus the tall part):mad:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

if tippy toes Castillo can sweep him...... hee hee:rofl:
or bounce off.......:eek:

We're both built the same way, good looking, talented, and dirty fighters!:cool:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Well, that is the base....... you probably don't even realize the transitions yet. Film yourself and watch it slow mo........

see how many stances you can find........

the definition of Stance......
It is a snapshot of motion!


Uh, I'm already slow, so what else do you suggest?;)
Originally posted by KenpoTess

Ahh ok Lamont, sorry bout that.. this Old age fusion comes on slow but deadly :)

as Seig says.. the upper belts are only allowed to kick below the waist.. we use leg sweeps (front leg only) etc.. I'm more of a hand person myself, and tend to get where I'm going without having to rely heavily on the kicks.. hence my ability to fight low stance .. I use alot of body movement when I fight too.. I'm not quite sure how to explain what I mean .. hahaa.. Maybe Seig or Stickdummy or someone who's sparred me can help out here ;)
Since I don't 'see' myself as others do :)


I must agree with Tess.(Very rare here)I 'd rather save the leg kicking for the higher ranked people. As it is, the lower ranked need to develop better habits first.:asian: