According to John Danaher, in the following video
he says that sports based martial arts with competitive aspects are the most reliable for self defense purposes. However, traditional Budoka of the Koryu, often talk down or even denigrate the sportification of martial arts. Phil Relnick Sensei has even stated in an interview that he considered Judo a sport, not a martial art (a sentiment with which I really wholeheartedly disagree with). Toby Threadgill Sensei, in a Shu-Ha-Ri dialogues interview talked about how his Sensei effortlessly put down hardned Judoka. But what John Danaher is saying, as I understand it, essentially contradicts the things we hear from the traditional martial arts representatives.
In my opinion, the ideal thing to do is to probably do both competitive and traditional (theoretical) based martial arts.
What are your thoughts and reactions to John Danaher in this video?
In my opinion, the ideal thing to do is to probably do both competitive and traditional (theoretical) based martial arts.
What are your thoughts and reactions to John Danaher in this video?