well, if spirituality, is simply the quality of being spiritual, then it is really up to each one of us to define our own practices as spiritual or not. by defenition, it is the nature of spirit, or supernatural, or less applicably in this context it relates to god or the church.
would you say that what you consider spirituality to be relative to the intangible, supernatural or invisible? probably, for the most part we would say no.
i guess its more of a question of what we define as our own spirituality
deep meditation for a tibetan monk is probably spiritual,
for someone like john muir, a walk in the woods was most likely spiritual also.
martha stewart seems to be spiritually involved in arts and crafts.
personally i find that chi development is highly spiritual for me in that respect, but others may say that it is simply relaxation and breath.
what do you do that is spiritual? if it walks the line to the edge of the unknown regions of the mind or equally, self, then you must be there. but even more simply, just to experience life itself.
im sure that there are some really good zen koans for this, but i just dont know any of them!