

Green Belt
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
Is there some way to autoprogramme your brain to do something when a certain event occurs?

Since the last grading when I started sparring, I KNOW exactly what my problem is, which is like I'm juz walking into kicks, using my arm as a blockage to prevent scoring [but i still got scored sometimes] and kicking back. It's natural, but I feel like I'm NOT showing any technique of WTF sparring at all. Shift-kicking, switch-kicking, sidestepping - NONE.

Somehow after today I feel that I don't deserve 4th Geup, even though I'll probably pass [the results aren't announced right away, but usually as long as you get your poomsae right and -.- DECENT - well, sort of - sparring you'll pass. Otherwise you'll probably be called up to the judge's table to receive a lecture]. But once it's database-ed I can't probably tell them[Singapore TKD Federation] to overrule the judging. The only way is to work on possessing TECHNIQUE, which I so obviously lack.

The frustrating thing is, I KNOW where I'm going wrong, I told myself the main objective of this grading's sparring is for me to sidestep/shift-kick, but I still ended up not doing it. Is there some way to go about this? We rarely get to spar in class unless I'm in the demoteam, which unfortunately, I'm not.
We seldom spar -.- is there some way to do it alone? Visualising an opponent throwing a kick at me is kind of, difficult. At least for me it is. I can't visualise well. I always fail diagrams questions in maths.
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It can certainbly be done using viaualization and a heavy bag, but it's not as efficient. The other way is to do partner drills, pad up and have your partner enagge in the move oyu want to train against...throw your counter....repeat until oyu canh do it fluidly and quickly...then repeat some more.

For train the switch kick...judt do it on the heavy bag or wavemaster. Start out in left foot forward wstance, then switch your feet and kick...repeat. Every time you do spar, dont through a conventional back leg roundhouse...JUST through the switch kick. You'll get beat up, bu tyou will elarn how to throw that kick under pressure. Another option is to have one person hold a kick shield and you wait. The holder should at a time of their choosing...move. When you see themn move, kick 'em as fats and as hard as you can using the switch kick.

Is there some way to autoprogramme your brain to do something when a certain event occurs?

The frustrating thing is, I KNOW where I'm going wrong, I told myself the main objective of this grading's sparring is for me to sidestep/shift-kick, but I still ended up not doing it. Is there some way to go about this? We rarely get to spar in class unless I'm in the demoteam, which unfortunately, I'm not.

Visualization can work wonders, but if you can get one of your dojang-mates to train with you so that you can work on the timing, it is best. Work on the combination and stepping in a drill format, but then get your dojang-mate to throw a roundhouse at varying speeds so you can do the combination. Practice it slowly then increase the speed of the attack and the counter.

Good luck on your test!
We seldom spar -.- is there some way to do it alone? Visualising an opponent throwing a kick at me is kind of, difficult. At least for me it is. I can't visualise well. I always fail diagrams questions in maths.
For me, it was tough to visualize until I started sparring a lot more. Rote training helps a lot. Nothing really comes out of a kick until you feel confident about throwing it. Until the technique clicks for you, you'll have trouble.
I would ask around the school and see who would be willing to do some sparring outside the school to help you with everything. I am sure someone else is having the same problems as you.
From here it sounds like your not relaxed enough. Try to clear your mind and just practice. It will come at some point, try to be patient. 4th gup your getting ready to be a beginner(1st Dan).