Maybe I'm just still missing something here, but even with this other experiment, it is still, IMHO, putting people in a different mindset, from what prison life is like, not some distorted view like we see on TV.
You said it yourself in the 2nd paragraph. They were trying to get a reaction from a prison setting, but this experiment was not a real prison setting. This experiment consisted of sadistic behavior from the acting guards, warden and anyone else that was part of the 'prison staff.'
They were trying to determine how people react in submissive and dominance type situations to gain further insight into ABUSIVE prison environments.
You are 100% correct, this is not a true prison environment. If that is what they wanted to model, they could have gone into a real prison. They used a prison setting yes, based loosely on a real prison, but they were attempting to get a different reaction than your standard prison.
The sadistic behavior was not actually part of the experiment. a way it was. There were certain cues used to try to evoke the type of response that they wanted, but up to this point, no one had any idea how the guards and prisoners would really react, nor how far it would really.
The guards were students and acting mainly of their own accord. The experiment construct was to choose 24 (I think) RANDOM students and RANDOMLY assign them to groups, either prisoner or guard. Then put them into the situation and just see what happened. There were very few instructions or inputs.
In various psychology classes (if you hadn't guessed, this is studied A LOT in everything from social psychology, to sociology, to Organizational behavior) I've seen a lot of the videos from the experiment and read some of the original documents and experiment set ups. It is really shocking what happened and how quickly it happened.
But the bottom line is that they were not trying to pass this off as a model for a real prison. It was an experiment and the goal was to create a very specific situation and evoke a very specific response. The experiment was simply done in a prison type setting.
It is like doing a physics experiment in a're not actually fooling anyone into thinking that you've re-created space....but you're modeling some aspects of it to determine how certain things will behave in that environment. It is the same idea. Again, if they wanted to do an experiment in a realistic prison....they would have gone to a prison....and if that was the case, why would they have chosen STUDENTS? and not real guards and criminals.
In a real prison, the guards are trained, the prisoners are real bad guys who belong there....there is no escape.
And one of the more insightful things about this experiment was that even though the students knew for a FACT that it was an experiment and that in reality they could get out when they wanted....within a matter of hours, they had fallen so deeply into their roles, that the prisoner students were behaving as if there was no escape and that the guards were somehow superior....and the guards were acting as if the other students were criminals and as if they were superior and had some right to treat them as they did.