So this is what all this tree hitting leads to

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Sanda aka Sanshou, the non-sport version

Why do I feel that come spring I am going to long for the days I was just hitting trees. I also will be playing the part of the guy in the Nike jacket a lot I believe.

I came across this totally by accident on YouTube

Police/Military Sanshou - Training videos

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The Hawaiian slide guitar and facial expressions at about the 3:40 mark into the 2nd vid are priceless.

Thanks for posting!


Thats not a Hawaiian slide guitar that is a Morin-Khur or a Jing-Hu or an Er-Hu or something similar, basically a type of Chinese violin.

And I think the combination of semi-relaxing music with the guy getting slammed to the ground is quite funny.

However my Sifu has not yet taught me the facial expressions nor do we stand at attention after were done
Make sure and let us know when you start head butting the trees Xue!
The trees will thank their God's for your absence...LOL

I believe you got it right there Drac.

Ahhh but you see.... and what ever you do....don't tell the trees....

I still have to keep hitting them.... even after my body has been slammed to the ground repeatedly.... even after I have been joint locked into oblivion... I STILL have to keep hitting those DAMN trees.....