

Master Black Belt
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Northern California
Hi Folks.

I'm working on losing some weight and one of the things I've been doing is making smoothies for breakfast. I rarely eat fruit, so this is getting me to eat my daily amounts plus I am really finding them refreshing and tasty. Does anyone else make smoothies? If so, please share your recipes here. Thanks!!

The one I have been making mostly is:
1/3 cup lowfat strawberry or vanilla yogurt
1 big handful frozen mixed berries
1 banana
1/3 cup 100% cranberry juice
1 big handful of ice

I blend all that together and enjoy!!

Alternatives I may throw in are about 7 frozen peach slices, 2 Tablespoons 100% pineapple juice concentrate, 1/3 cup fat free milk, peanut butter.
I was using GNC's MRP packs for a while, but my discipline wavered and I got out of the habit. However, when I was, I usually made:

1 pack GNC MRP - Vanilla
~2 cups frozen strawberries
1 banana, sliced
1/2 cup apple juice

Blend. Add in Skim milk until the consistency is just right.
Great idea - I have a friend who is drinking lots of smoothies, and enjoying them a lot while she loses weight too. I'll have to ask her what she does.
OUMoose- hmmmmm......I'll check into that. I am a bit limited right now in the products I can consume (nursing a baby), but that sounds interesting. My brother told me about whey powder at Trader Joe's too- good protein source....don't know if I can have it just now though.

Feisty- Yes, please check and add anything you find out about that sounds good- thanks!! I don't want to burn out on the same ol' concoction!!

Thanks to you both-
:asian: :karate:
I have made a lot of them in the last couple of years. Your local bookstore should have books on them. I purchased 2 different books and each has a lot of information in them. There are many types not just protein packed but some are just for breakfast just a couple that I can remember.