I had a pretty bad experience with SKK. I joined a SKK school based out of the east coast. I don't want to give the school name, but let's just say it's a breakaway from Z-ultimate (but it's NOT z-ultimate)
Having had experience with other martial arts styles, I knew that what they taught in this school was not traditional or very serious, and that's ok. My point is that I wasn't expecting to train with Vandamme's Shidoshi from Bloodsport, I had reasonable expectations.
I practiced "shaolin kempo karate" for around 4 years at this school, and it was an enjoyable experience. There were some red flags here and there but I chose to ignore them because all I wanted was to get some physical activity and to practice something similar to what I used to practice when I practiced several other more traditional styles.
Sadly, after 4 years, the school took a hard turn into mcdojo-ville, at breakneck speed:
- They began a "teaching corps" system. What are the "teaching corps", you ask? Any (and I mean
any) student can pay for extra "instructor courses", which aren't much different from the regular classes to begin with.
- If you pay for enough "instructor courses" you will be given the "honor" to work for free for the school! You will become an "instructor" and they'll give you a red belt.
- Now you have to teach the toddlers and young kids (for free) and labor around the dojo (e.g. doing the admin work, booking stuff in the computer, being an assistant at tournaments, etc)
- After some months teaching toddlers and stuff like that, you will teach grown ups too!
This is more problematic than it sounds. Turns out few people are interested in paying a steep price for extra classes just so they can work for free for the school, so who ends up taking on this "amazing" offer? The worst students in the entire school. The students with self esteem issues, the most out of shape students, and the students with a penchant for authoritarianism are the ones who end doing this and becoming "teaching corps".
For 2 years (so, years 5 and 6 of my time at this dojo) me and other students tried to keep the dojo from sliding into total mcdojo status, but we could not. The owner and instructors fully embraced the mcdojo idea.
It's hard to see that some dad or mom enrolling their kid to kempo and depending on sheer luck they will be taught either by a real (and very capable) actual martial artist or by one of the worst students in the entire school.
Actually, on top of my head, I can think of 4 "teaching corps" "instructors" and a "full time instructor" (former "teaching corps") who are in the bottom 5% of the entire student roster (yes, I mean, the bottom of the bottom, the worst students out there). These are people with no skills, no knowledge, no fitness and who have absolutely no business teaching.
On top of all that, I found out that their entire kata curriculum from white to brown belt is made up. The school owner made up all of the color belt katas, and he changes them every couple months as he sees fit.
I realized there is no way I could fix this school and return it to how it used to be so I quit today. After telling them I quit they made no effort to keep me, it seems they don't want to keep the students from before they chose to become a mcdojo, since they ask questions and scrutinize things too much.
Now I feel I wasted my time