size matters ???

Tall guy: reach, probably speed and flexiblitly

Short guy: in fight, lower center of gravity makes throws easier

Skiny guy: agility

Muscle bond dude: one hit, one hit KO

Fat guy: well, unless he's a sumo, there really aren't any. if he's a sumo, or like minded, he could just steam roll you

Tall guy: probably lacks to much agility, and will be S.O.L. if throw to ground

Short guy: probably cann't kick very well. Or atleast not very high

Skinny guy: probably not gonna be a hard hitter

Muscle bond dude: probably lacks agilty, speed, flexiblity, and grappling is probably gonna be difficult to pull off if he focuses on musclcular strength.

Fat guy: obvious conditioning problems unless a sumo, and most grappling is gonna be difficult too. however, if exerpienced, he could use his size to simply evelep and crush his opponent.

While slightly off topic, I think you could get what I'm saying.

You're making a lot of assumptions based on appearance. They'll get you in trouble... I know a very skinny guy who can knock someone 2x or more his size on his butt... I know big, body-builder types who are very agile & flexible. I'm a fat guy... Don't count on me being out of shape, though...

Physical appearance is the least reliable indicator of someone's fighting capability.
You're making a lot of assumptions based on appearance. They'll get you in trouble... I know a very skinny guy who can knock someone 2x or more his size on his butt... I know big, body-builder types who are very agile & flexible. I'm a fat guy... Don't count on me being out of shape, though...

Physical appearance is the least reliable indicator of someone's fighting capability.

I'm aware that apparenace is the worst possible gauge of just about anything you could possibly think of. But these are just general, normally (atleast partially) true things. And of course even if these were true all the time, there is still an expection to every rule.
I'm a fat guy... Don't count on me being out of shape, though...

Physical appearance is the least reliable indicator of someone's fighting capability.

That's my all-time favorite line by Sammo Hung, as given during an episode of "Martial Law" when someone called him "fat and out of shape."

"Not out of shape," he said after knocking them out (I think). "Just fat." :D
Time is a disadvantage that applies to all forms of training. Highlighting time as the main disadvantage of weight training merely highlights how there's no inherent flaws in the process itself, which places it way ahead of many other training practices.

true. but since he wants to be difficult i'll accept that, if nothing else.
I do think size matters, but if a smaller person wins a match it's because he/she is more skilled at certain maneuvers. I think smaller ppl have to overcompensate, maybe they rely on their brain more?
Difficult? How so?
Weight lifting if done intelligently is nothing but beneficial for combat training.

o.k. once again every thing must have a draw back. period. thats my point, and since he wont give me that much, he's being difficult.
Why must everything have a draw-back?

because if it didn't have a draw back everyone would do it. martial arts take time and patientce to become profiecent at. therefore, some would rather not do them. learning anouther launguage can be a head ache, so many don't do it.
if liftng weights didn't have a draw back then everyone would do it. the only things that people do as a species is what's required to live. thats about it.
because if it didn't have a draw back everyone would do it. martial arts take time and patientce to become profiecent at. therefore, some would rather not do them. learning anouther launguage can be a head ache, so many don't do it.
if liftng weights didn't have a draw back then everyone would do it. the only things that people do as a species is what's required to live. thats about it.

You are involved in one practice which requires time and effort to be of use, so therefore why would you criticise another practice of that being a flaw in it?
Time and effort are only drawbacks if the reward is less than the cost. And with weightlifitng the benefits more than make up for the requirements.
Common misconceptions. A heavily muscled person does not sacrifice any agility, speed or flexibility, nor is he more likely to 'muscle' a technique than a slim fighter.

Well said, if been sayign that for years its a common misconception.

dman look at over 80% of mma fighters today for an example of this.

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