Should we Legalize marijuana?

Should we Legalize Marijuana?

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People are smoking pot anyways...
by that "logic" we should legalize rape and murder.
how do they test and see if people having been smoking now?

How many times do you hear on the news that Pot was involved with that high speed chase last night?

How many times do you hear. "Two men kill each other in a fist fight, Marijuana was involved."


Its always booze.
Sez you.

You can make the same argument for child pornography (except for the junk food part). That make it OK, then?
Having just started reading on this thread (it takes me a while) I would like to point out that it would be wrong to place marijuana use and child porn in the same group of criminal activity. Other than the fact that they are both crimes, we could just as well compare child sex abuse to jay walking.:)
Yes, that is true. Since I was one that was making the point was simply, that indirectly, it will have an effect on others. Just because I wont get drunk simply be sitting next to someone who's drinking, vs. sitting next to someone smoking, ie: 2nd hand smoke, doesnt mean that either alcohol or weed is better/worse than the other.
It's not a question of better or worse, but if someone next to me gets drunk, and tomorrow morning at work I have to pee in a cup, I won't show any alcohol consuption.

Since I dont smoke or drink, let me ask you this....if someone were to spend 2hrs smoking weed, and then get behind the wheel, and get pulled over, would the officer, if they performed a field test, similar to one to determine whether or not someone is drunk, be able to tell whether or not someone was capable of driving?

I would guess they would fail a sobrierity test, but could not be quantified. There is no equivalent to a breathalizer for weed.
It's not a question of better or worse, but if someone next to me gets drunk, and tomorrow morning at work I have to pee in a cup, I won't show any alcohol consuption.

True. I was simply responding to the posts in which it was implied that one was less dangerous than the other. Just because one doesnt have any 2nd hand effects, fact is, both can have serious results, proof of which I linked in another post. :)

I would guess they would fail a sobrierity test, but could not be quantified. There is no equivalent to a breathalizer for weed.

So marijuana use will have the same effects on a person that drank, as far as the test goes? BTW, I wasn't talking about a breath test, I was talking about the other things such as....following a pen with your eyes only, and not moving your head, ability to walk a straight line, stand on one foot, tilt your head back and touch a finger to your nose, ability to recite the alphabet, etc.
Isn’t impaired driving, impaired driving? It doesn’t necessarily specify what the cause of the impairment is. Prescription medication, lack of sleep, talking in the phone or eating a burger, if they impair your ability to drive a motor vehicle, you are impaired.
Isn’t impaired driving, impaired driving? It doesn’t necessarily specify what the cause of the impairment is. Prescription medication, lack of sleep, talking in the phone or eating a burger, if they impair your ability to drive a motor vehicle, you are impaired.

Yup, in NYS it is a DWAI
Isn’t impaired driving, impaired driving? It doesn’t necessarily specify what the cause of the impairment is. Prescription medication, lack of sleep, talking in the phone or eating a burger, if they impair your ability to drive a motor vehicle, you are impaired.

There's a slight difference. Operating Under the Influence typically refers to operating a vehicle under the influence of a substance. Could be alcohol, could be drugs, could be cold medicine, could be legally presribed Rx drugs.

Non-substance issues -- cell phones, eating a burger, attending to children, etc -- these fall under distracted driving or something like that. Definition will vary from state to state.
sensei payne said:
How many times do you hear. "Two men kill each other in a fist fight, Marijuana was involved."

Today, actually. Well, only one man was killed, and it wasn't a fist fight. He was shot over 3 pounds of marijuana. Perp was sentenced to 20.

June 23, 2011 -- Brea, CA
Armed Robbery of medical marijuana

June 21, 2011 -- Santa Rosa, CA
Armed Robbery of medical marijuana

June 16, 2011 -- North Portland, OR
Man arrested in connection with stabbing, marijuana robbing
Today, actually. Well, only one man was killed, and it wasn't a fist fight. He was shot over 3 pounds of marijuana. Perp was sentenced to 20.

June 23, 2011 -- Brea, CA
Armed Robbery of medical marijuana

June 21, 2011 -- Santa Rosa, CA
Armed Robbery of medical marijuana

June 16, 2011 -- North Portland, OR
Man arrested in connection with stabbing, marijuana robbing

well, pharmacies are being robbed for painkillers...
Something tells me that even if this stuff were legal, we'd still see things like this link.

then again, maybe not...pot is cheap, not worth the risk.
heck, I bet it grows nearly wild in most of the US by now...
Today, actually. Well, only one man was killed, and it wasn't a fist fight. He was shot over 3 pounds of marijuana. Perp was sentenced to 20.

June 23, 2011 -- Brea, CA
Armed Robbery of medical marijuana

June 21, 2011 -- Santa Rosa, CA
Armed Robbery of medical marijuana

June 16, 2011 -- North Portland, OR
Man arrested in connection with stabbing, marijuana robbing

Yeah but that wasn't over Pot, that was really over money...the pot was merely the product...

If it were legalized then this never would have happened. Remove the street value, and the violence will go down or away all together.
This is absolutely true, SP. However, while we can see the correlation with prohibition against alcohol in the early 20th century, reasonable arguments aren't going to change a person's opinion when that opinion is based on emotion.
This is absolutely true, SP. However, while we can see the correlation with prohibition against alcohol in the early 20th century, reasonable arguments aren't going to change a person's opinion when that opinion is based on emotion.

Its a grows in the ground.

Big Pharm I would think would be the ones that would hurt the most. Loosing out on all those addicts to pain killers.
Its a grows in the ground.

Big Pharm I would think would be the ones that would hurt the most. Loosing out on all those addicts to pain killers.
Tobacco and Cotton were the main lobbyists that got it banned in the first place. Pharm just helps keep it and anything natural blocked best they can.
Lets em keep marking up 5c of powder hundreds of dollars.
I think I may've said this in another post, but....

whats interesting, is that you see lots of violence due to drugs, yet you rarely see any violence over someone trying to get alcohol. Would legalizing weed, cut down on drug violence? Something tells me it wouldn't, but I guess if it was made legal, only time would tell.
I think I may've said this in another post, but....

whats interesting, is that you see lots of violence due to drugs, yet you rarely see any violence over someone trying to get alcohol. Would legalizing weed, cut down on drug violence? Something tells me it wouldn't, but I guess if it was made legal, only time would tell.

Not trying to get alcohol maybe but afterwards things get different: Bar fights, Domestic Violence, Automobile Accidents. Etc.

A guy I meant in a security training seminar was a ex-Army Ranger, and at that time a bouncer, said there are 2 things that just do not mix...humans and alcohol and he was a firm believer in if you want an idiot, take one human and just add alcohol.

I am not so sure it would be any different if Marijuana was legalized, there would still be associated violence of one sort or another
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