Shorinji Kempo



Cool site!

Don't really know if this is the place for this question but does anyone know of any Shorinji Kenpo dojos in the Chicagoland area?
Their main site is in or near L.A.--I don't know of another. There used to be one in Buffalo. Renegade may be able to find out--he knows the instructor in Buffalo who at least used to be well-connected. The L.A. headquarters probably knows too.
Originally posted by Tai-Chi

Cool site!

Don't really know if this is the place for this question but does anyone know of any Shorinji Kenpo dojos in the Chicagoland area?

Not that I know of. I'll ask around if you wish.
Originally posted by Tai-Chi
Cool site!

Don't really know if this is the place for this question but does anyone know of any Shorinji Kenpo dojos in the Chicagoland area?
Yes, there is a Shorinji Kempo branch in Chicago. Contact branch master Michael Eastwood at [email protected] for details.