Shorinji Kempo Video Clips!

Great clips, Brian! Although the style is dissimilar, the 1/4-1/3 speed and power used reminds me of Kung Fu San Soo. This is how we 'spar'. After watching these clips, I believe it's easy to see how effective it is to follow the maxim, Go slow to go fast (one of Jimmy H Woo's favorite sayings). And anyone can see there is pain involved, regardless of the slower pace.

Good stuff! :ultracool
Shorinji Kempo is indeed most dont seem much of it around outside of Japan it seems like...
I always found it interesting that Kaiso So Doshin (the founder of Shorinji Kempo) actually taught it as a religion (Kongo Zen) in order to "go around" the bans placed on martial arts practice...pretty inventive if ya ask me, considering the guy was a monk ;-)
I like the way they were training their basics. Training from a low horse stance or a fighting stance is good but many martial artists don't spend enough time training their techniques while in more natural postures. Shorinji Kempo looks like a very good complete art. I am going to have to look into it more.