Shorin Ji Ryu


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Aug 29, 2001
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Athol, Ma. USA
Does anyone out there have any knowledge of a systenm called Shorin Ji Ryu kempo
Originally posted by tshadowchaser
Does anyone out there have any knowledge of a systenm called Shorin Ji Ryu kempo

I have heard of shorinji-ryu kempo--I believe Mr. Hartman knows a practitioner in Buffalo though I may be mistaken--and I think it was featured in a James Bond film. I have also seen references to Shorinji-Ryu Karatedo and I don't know if that's another term for the same thing or no. I believe the kempo system is unlike karate and is more jujitsu-like, and heavily influenced by Chinese arts, but perhaps someone transliterated it as karate for name recognition.

A quick web search indicates that the karate and kempo systems are indeed different:
You will also find info. on shorinji kempo here, at the E-Budo discussion forum.

I am assuming this is the system you mean--the "ryu" does not usually appear in its name.
Not sure if it is the same system or not but will follow up on your lead. Thanks
Originally posted by tshadowchaser
Does anyone out there have any knowledge of a systenm called Shorin Ji Ryu kempo
The Shorinji Ryu Kempo System gives credit to it's Japanese Founder; Michiomi Nakano or Doshin So. The system is a japanese version of Shaolin Quan, which was founded in 1947. Nakano supposedly crosses paths with the founder of Jukendo. He also meets Wei Lao Cho whom taught him the internal style of Giwamon Kempo. In 1936 Nakano becomes successor of Wai Lao whom was also known as Bunta and received his new name of Doshin So. He then becomes a student of Okuyama Densei, whom was the founder of Hakko Aiki Jutsu or Hakko Ryu Jujutsu. As far as the shaolin lineage of the okinawan origin; Shorinji Ryu Kempo can be traced back to Bushi Matsumura and Karate Sakugawa! Bushi taught many students including his family member Nabe Matsumura. The lineage splits again here and Matsumura Orthodox Shorin Ryu is kept in the family! Nabe teaches is nephew Hohan Soken and O Sensei teaches Fusei Kise whom is a Shorinji Ryu practitioner whom reverts entirely to Grandmaster Soken's Hakkutsuru Ryu! Finally we can at least see that Shorinji Ryu Kempo is of Shuri Te origin with Shaolin Temple influence and possibly other internal aspects of the system. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Originally posted by arnisador

What is the translation of this? Is it a style we'd recognize?
Giwamon or Yi Ho Chuan! It is the Norhern Shaolin Giwamon Fist or Kita Shorin Giwamon Ken. The School Of The Northern Shaolin Giwamon Fist! Yi Ho Chuan is the The Northern Shaolin School Of Thought Of Righteousness And Harmony! Thus, the Giwamon translates as Yi Ho Chuan School Of Shaolin. So, Yi = Righteous + Ho = Harmonious + Chuan = Style, Fist Etc,. Therefore Shorinji Ryu Kempo Is From The Northern Shaolin Righteous Harmonious or Harmony School Or Fist Style! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Excellent post.
It (they) relate what I had been told or closely so. I had just never recieved coformation on some of the facts.
It also makes a connection with some otherthings I had questions about but I can now see where the connecting point was.
Again thank to all for help on this question
We do not use the term "ryu" as a suffix in Shorinji Kempo, as the art is not a form of karate, but unique unto itself. There is a Shorin-ryu Karatedo (note: no "ji" or "kempo" in the name), which originated in Okinawa.
Shorinji Kempo is one Japanese man's codification of mostly Chinese arts. Ther terminology is Japanese, and we wear dogi when training. Our headquarters is in Shikoku.
Now for my soapbox rant:
I'd prefer it if non-Shorinji Kenshi didn't try to dispense "information" about Shorinji Kempo; most times, you are wrong. For details about Shorinji Kempo, ask a Shorinji Kenshi, like me.
Thank you.
Originally posted by Chiduce
The Shorinji Ryu Kempo System gives credit to it's Japanese Founder; Michiomi Nakano or Doshin So. The system is a japanese version of Shaolin Quan, which was founded in 1947. Nakano supposedly crosses paths with the founder of Jukendo. He also meets Wei Lao Cho whom taught him the internal style of Giwamon Kempo. In 1936 Nakano becomes successor of Wai Lao whom was also known as Bunta and received his new name of Doshin So. He then becomes a student of Okuyama Densei, whom was the founder of Hakko Aiki Jutsu or Hakko Ryu Jujutsu. As far as the shaolin lineage of the okinawan origin; Shorinji Ryu Kempo can be traced back to Bushi Matsumura and Karate Sakugawa! Bushi taught many students including his family member Nabe Matsumura. The lineage splits again here and Matsumura Orthodox Shorin Ryu is kept in the family! Nabe teaches is nephew Hohan Soken and O Sensei teaches Fusei Kise whom is a Shorinji Ryu practitioner whom reverts entirely to Grandmaster Soken's Hakkutsuru Ryu! Finally we can at least see that Shorinji Ryu Kempo is of Shuri Te origin with Shaolin Temple influence and possibly other internal aspects of the system. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
This second part is completely wrong, and we aren't called Shorinji Ryu Kempo; our name is Shorinji Kempo, or Nippon Shorinji Kempo. There is no "lineage" in the iemoto sense, and nobody called Matsumura had anything to do with the establishment of Shorinji Kempo.
Because of your staeing that there is no "RYU" in the name could there be 2 systems with very simular names maybe?
Originally posted by tshadowchaser
Because of your staeing that there is no "RYU" in the name could there be 2 systems with very simular names maybe?
That was my exact point. If there's "ryu" in the name, it's not Nippon Shorinji Kempo as founded by So Doshin.
interesting that one of the ars that made/make up
shorin ji kempo is ShorinjiRyu Kenkokan Karate-Do
can you tell me anything about this art?
Originally posted by tshadowchaser
interesting that one of the ars that made/make up
shorin ji kempo is ShorinjiRyu Kenkokan Karate-Do
can you tell me anything about this art?
Where did you hear that? Shorinji Kempo is totally separate from Karate.
this thread
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Last Visited : 08-27-2003

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Posts: 131

Re: What arts are in Shorinji Kempo?
quote: Originally posted by arnisador
I always thought it was comprised of a single Chinese art viewed through a Japanese lens, sort of like Uechi-ryu's relation to Pangainoon, but from posts here it sounds like it encompasses several arts?
Hey Arnisador,
To answer your question you need to look at the Founder's MA background. So Doshin's background was in HakkoRyu Jujutsu, ShorinjiRyu Kenkokan Karate-Do and Chinese Gong Fu. All these are apparent in Shorinji Kempo's Goho and Juho syllabus.


Peter Teymouraz
Martial Arts Institute
To my knowledge, that's not accurate. Kaiso studied Chinese kung fu, and judo from his grandfather. It would have been difficult for him to study karate in China, where he lived from the age of 11.
Originally posted by Kimpatsu
. . .
Ther terminology is Japanese,
. . .

Did you mean There ?

Does this mean your Orthoepy police membership is to be removed?

Or does this mean you make mistakes like I and others do?
He was talking about pervasive, systematic, repeated mistakes--not one-off typos. Those are accidents.
Originally posted by Kimpatsu
To my knowledge, that's not accurate. Kaiso studied Chinese kung fu, and judo from his grandfather. It would have been difficult for him to study karate in China, where he lived from the age of 11.
Respectfully, you need to do a bit of research on this one. The back ground of Hakko Ryu or Daito Ryu is quit clear in Shorinji Kempo. Kaiso Hisataka the founder of ShorinjiRyu Kenkokan also resided in China. Kaiso Hisataka was stationed in Beijing, via Kowa and Tienjin. I am not sure where these two got together, in China or Japan but their history is documented. You can contact Shihan Masayuki Hisataka (Kori's son) in Japan. I believe the Honbu Dojo is at the waseda area of Tokyo's Shinjuku ward.

Good luck,