information Please


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Aug 29, 2001
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Athol, Ma. USA
Dose anyone out thre have information on the history of Shorin Ji ryu Kempo
Originally posted by tshadowchaser
Dose anyone out thre have information on the history of Shorin Ji ryu Kempo

I've also responded to this in the karate forum--if by this you mean Shorinji Kempo (no ryu in the name) then here is an article on it. I stumbled across this article while looking for information on Uechi Kempo, a Uechi-ryu variant I read about once but haven't heard of since.
In 1928, Doshin So, the founder (also referred to as Kaiso) of Japanese Shorinji Kempo, travelled through China studying as he did so various forms of Chinese Quan fa (Kem po). Under the guidance of the head of the Northern Shaolin school of Quan fa (Japanese: Shorinji School of Kem po), he studied its techniques in great depth.

(Note that the word Shorinji is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese Mandarin word Shaolin. Kem po or Kenpo is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese Mandarin words Quan fa)

He reformed and revised the martial art techniques that he had studied in China, and added to them his philosophical insights to create Shorinji Kempo. As both a training place and sanctorum he established the Shorinji Kempo honbu dojo on the Island of Shikoku, Kagawa Prefecture, in the town of Tadotsu.

You can find out more at theWorld Shorinji Kempo Organization

Scott H.
The Kenpo Exchange
I would look in the general martial arts section, or in the karate section
Thank you for your replys they have been a great help
Shorinji Ryu kempo is not the same as Shorinji Kempo. Is it specifically Shorinji Kempo that you're asking about, or is it something else?