Senior Grand Master Ed Parker


Black Belt
Apr 30, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
God Bless you and your family on this day....


Respectfully, Jason Bugg

I hope the whole Kenpo community will stop and reflect on the tremendous contributions Mr. Parker gave to the martial arts and all who partake in his art.

Big Pat

Someone asked my why this post? This note from Mr. Skip Hancock will explain it better than I could...

World Martial Arts Training Day
December 15th

Once again our own Holiday is approaching.
Several years ago we established this day to celebrate our love of doing the Art.
We chose December 15th, the day of the death of Mr. Parker, to commemorate his love of the Art and our love for him.

On this day we all train - simply because we want to -
not to please anyone else
not to prepare for a tournament
not to prepare for a belt promotion
not to prepare for a demonstration

just because it feels good to us.

Throughout the years we have celebrated this day in many different ways:
Some people train by themselves.
Some get their best friend from their school and train
Some get a small group to train
Some just open the doors of the school and let everyone come in and train
Some invite friends from other styles to train
Some find friends who no longer train and get together to train for the fun
Some try things in the Art that they always wanted to do but have never done
Some work on Fitness
and so much more...........

Train Hard
Train Regularly
Train Intelligently
Make No Excuses

As another year passes, myself and my students can never forget the "Source" of our System, American or Chinese. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Parker today more than most. But he is never far from our hearts.

To all those who came before ... Oos!

-Michael Billings
Senior Instructor in the Arts
Hi folks,
Last night I watched some old video on Mr. Parker teaching and beating on me and I found myself "tearing up" as I thought about him.
Today I took an old picture of Mr. Parker that I had of him Smiling from "ear to ear" at a seminar I went to in my home city and brought it with me to church. I lit a candle for him and just looked at the picture and just remembered all the times it was my pleasure to meet and train with him.
I'm no big deal really. Just someone who really believed in Mr. Parker and followed him around when he was here in New England. I always wanted to open a "Parker" franchise in Massachusetts but it didn't work out, but I was truly fortunate to have had Mr. Parker as part of my life.
Thank you for your time,
Joseph P. Rebelo II