Green Belt
No I don't mean selling rank or any of the other negative conotations of selling in the martial arts. To a degree, every martial art sells (promotes) itself through video clips on the web. I see this as a problem area for Systema.
I, like many other martial artists, look at the clips I see of Systema and think "What a joke!" "He barely tapped the guy and he would not happen like that in real life." Of course I have never experienced Systema in person and I know that the response to this thread will be to tell me to go experience it first hand. But that is not the point of this. The real question that I have is, do Systema practitioners see that their art, at least on video, looks very unrealistic and almost coreographed? do they over come this when exposing Systema to the uneducated public, with out hands on demonstration?
Perhaps I have already answered my question because I am already sold by virtue of curiosity. I cannot wait to go to the San Francisco seminar to get a feel for what it really is. I for one recognize that I have only learned a few ways to train, not all of the ways. I also see that I may very well be pleasantly suprised and become a Systema practicioner myself =)
I, like many other martial artists, look at the clips I see of Systema and think "What a joke!" "He barely tapped the guy and he would not happen like that in real life." Of course I have never experienced Systema in person and I know that the response to this thread will be to tell me to go experience it first hand. But that is not the point of this. The real question that I have is, do Systema practitioners see that their art, at least on video, looks very unrealistic and almost coreographed? do they over come this when exposing Systema to the uneducated public, with out hands on demonstration?
Perhaps I have already answered my question because I am already sold by virtue of curiosity. I cannot wait to go to the San Francisco seminar to get a feel for what it really is. I for one recognize that I have only learned a few ways to train, not all of the ways. I also see that I may very well be pleasantly suprised and become a Systema practicioner myself =)