second class help


White Belt
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
well i took my first class yesterday,followed by the bag or conditioning class.

the actual class didnt make me too sore
but the bag/cardio class killed way out of shape
im so sore its hard to move anything today.

so my ? is,tomarrow should i just take the level 1 class and skip the bag/cardio class untill im not sore anymore before doing it again

or should i do the cardio class again anyway sore or not?
i dont want to risk over training.....should i just do the cardio class say
one a week untill im used to it
or is it more of a do it everyday sore or not and your body will get used to it tpe of thing? main fear is doing the crdio class tomrrow sore...which will affect how intense my partner can work out,since a lot of the exercises need 2 people....anone offer some advice on what to do? :)
If you're just sore then try and tough it out. One of the principles of krav is to train from a position of disadvantage.
Yes, what they said...and also, working out is what will move that lactic acid out of your muscles.

If you can arrange for a massage afterward, that's even better.
Don't forget a hot bath, some Tiger Balm, and Ibuprofen. I stretch in in the tub and it seems to help.

Still, we have those classes where you can barely walk for five days after and I'm not sure if hot baths really help. They feel good though.
Keep training unless you are injured. If you stop because you are sore then start again you will just be sore all the time.

Keep going, maybe dial back the effort a bit for a while but keep going. My wrestling coach always said the best exercise to do when you are sore is the same one that made you sore. I have found this to be true.

Of course he also said it will feel better when it stops hurting!

Go for it, if you dont feel sore your not working hard enough. As I age though (47 soon) I try to pay attention to injuries a bit more as it takes me a lot longer to heal. I keep training I just favor my injury a bit and use lots of Trameel and tiger balm.