Science: Marijuana Could Prevent Alzheimer's, New Study

Bob Hubbard

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Science: Marijuana Could Prevent Alzheimer's, New Study on Tuesday January 27, @09:36AM

Posted by timothy on Tuesday January 27, @09:36AM
from the that's-just-like-your-opinion-man dept.

Chickan writes "'A puff a day might keep Alzheimer's away, according to marijuana research by professor Gary Wenk and associate professor Yannic Marchalant of the Ohio State Department of Psychology. Wenk's studies show that a low dosage in the morning of a certain canavanoid, a component in marijuana, reversed memory loss in older rats' brains. In his study, an experimental group of old rats received a dosage, and a control group of rats did not. The old rats that received the drugs performed better on memory tests, and the drug slowed and prevented brain cell death.' My fine university's dollars at work!" Maybe it works even better in combination with brain-preserving sips of coffee.

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Cool indeed, if it truly helps Alzheimer's suffers. Although I think I heard a similar argument from another Hippie in the Parking Lot of RFK Stadium in DC at a Greatfull Dead Concert when I was younger. LOL. What was I saying? I forget. LOL. PEACE JIMI
Replaces "Can't remember" with "Couldn't care less, dude". :rofl:
have there been any studies on m.j. as an anti-depressant? iirc, pot just makes you produce more seratonin, which is all some pharmacueticals do.

So it helps prevent Alzheimer's, treats glaucoma and asthma, has anti lung cancer properties and helps the pain and nausea of AIDS and chemo treatments. All of this when the law forbids any research designed to demonstrate health benefits.

The only reason this plant is illegal is the Hearst papers' investment in Weyerhauser and the prospect of Prohibition agents having to find honest work.
So it helps prevent Alzheimer's, treats glaucoma and asthma, has anti lung cancer properties and helps the pain and nausea of AIDS and chemo treatments. All of this when the law forbids any research designed to demonstrate health benefits.

The only reason this plant is illegal is the Hearst papers' investment in Weyerhauser and the prospect of Prohibition agents having to find honest work.
That, and the fact that both the cotton and tobacco industries lobbied so heavily for it's banishment, due to it's superiority to cotton, and being less addictive than tobacco.
In the 1700's when I went to college, people would smoke so much of the stuff that they'd become almost catatonic.... and this on a Sunday morning.

I guess this grand discovery lets one choose their oblivion...
That, and the fact that both the cotton and tobacco industries lobbied so heavily for it's banishment, due to it's superiority to cotton, and being less addictive than tobacco.

You'd think that the Nabisco/Keebler lobby would step in at some point.
So it helps prevent Alzheimer's, treats glaucoma and asthma, has anti lung cancer properties and helps the pain and nausea of AIDS and chemo treatments. All of this when the law forbids any research designed to demonstrate health benefits.

The only reason this plant is illegal is the Hearst papers' investment in Weyerhauser and the prospect of Prohibition agents having to find honest work.

These are the points that are raised when students from the nearby college have their annual legalization drive. I must say, it does my heart good to see that college-age kids are so passionately committed to ending the heartbreak of glaucoma.
All I want to knwo is how the hell, in a double-blind study, they'll be able to differentiate between the control group and the experimental group? :D

Subject A is not wearing pants? Confused/forgot/ or just really baked....
Who can smoke only one puff? I have a hard time believing this study, sounds like something from the 60's. There is no doubt marijuana does harm short term memory, so I have a hard time believing it could help prevent Alzheimer's. I hope nobody takes this study seriously and partakes, remember marijuana use is illegal in the USA. Just say no to this study!
You're harshing my mello man. LOL. Just kidding. Most of us are adults here and we understand that Marijuana is illegal, but any violators who do or have smoked are not likely hardened criminals destroying the American way of life. There is propoganda on both sides of the Herb argument, case in point "Reffer Madness" is hardly a true example of Pot use. If we locked up everyone who embibed this Herb there would be Actors, Musicians, Ex-Presidents, Congressmen & their college aged children locked up for even one tresspass. Do you feel the study itself is illegal and the American public should not be permitted to review this evil? I hope my opinion is not offensive, although Joab, it sounds like your post was meant to scold, at least to me it seemed that way. PEACE, LOVE & DO..., Uh I mean HOPE. JIMI
Joab, it would help if you learned a little about science.

Short term memory problems and Alzheimer's are not the same. If the results of the study are good - and they have to be carefully done if they're going to get by review process - they are good. It doesn't matter whether they make you feel warm and fuzzy or not. There are more serious questions about the short-term memory studies which were funded with the stated purpose of showing that hemp was evil and deadly.

If you're going to make policy based on facts you have to apply the same standards to all. If we say that hemp is a Schedule I drug we are saying that it is dangerous and has a high potential for physical addiction and no medical or scientific use. By that standard we should hang anyone who takes a drink and break everyone who has sold a cigarette on the Wheel. There is simply no comparison.

Even with the unconscionable restrictions on research we have good evidence that hemp has medical uses that should be investigated. That's leaving aside its immense proven industrial value. In terms of potential harm it is the most benign of the recreational drugs. That includes beer.
You're harshing my mello man. LOL. Just kidding. Most of us are adults here and we understand that Marijuana is illegal, but any violators who do or have smoked are not likely hardened criminals destroying the American way of life. There is propoganda on both sides of the Herb argument, case in point "Reffer Madness" is hardly a true example of Pot use. If we locked up everyone who embibed this Herb there would be Actors, Musicians, Ex-Presidents, Congressmen & their college aged children locked up for even one tresspass. Do you feel the study itself is illegal and the American public should not be permitted to review this evil? I hope my opinion is not offensive, although Joab, it sounds like your post was meant to scold, at least to me it seemed that way. PEACE, LOVE & DO..., Uh I mean HOPE. JIMI

Joab: No, I'm not for locking everyone up for life for smoking pot, but I am against smoking pot except in the case of cancer victims and the like if it is prescribed by a doctor. If this study really has found that a puff a day helps stem Alzheimer's, than I think a doctor should be able to prescribe it. I am opposed to recreational use of marijuana.
Joab, it would help if you learned a little about science.

Short term memory problems and Alzheimer's are not the same. If the results of the study are good - and they have to be carefully done if they're going to get by review process - they are good. It doesn't matter whether they make you feel warm and fuzzy or not. There are more serious questions about the short-term memory studies which were funded with the stated purpose of showing that hemp was evil and deadly.

If you're going to make policy based on facts you have to apply the same standards to all. If we say that hemp is a Schedule I drug we are saying that it is dangerous and has a high potential for physical addiction and no medical or scientific use. By that standard we should hang anyone who takes a drink and break everyone who has sold a cigarette on the Wheel.
There is simply no comparison.

Joab: I'm doubtful about this study, but if marijuana has proven medicinal uses than I'm fine with a doctor prescribing it.

Even with the unconscionable restrictions on research we have good evidence that hemp has medical uses that should be investigated. That's leaving aside its immense proven industrial value. In terms of potential harm it is the most benign of the recreational drugs. That includes beer.

Joab: I am against recreational use, but medicinal use is ok.