scariest movie you have ever seen

hong kong fooey

Black Belt
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
West virginia
okay since the worst movie thread worked pretty well I figured I would do another one but this time what is the scariest movie you have ever seen?

mine would have to be any movie about spiders! why because i hate spiders
At the time, "The First Power". It's been years, though, so I don't know how it would stack up today.
John Carpenters "The Thing"..
I found "The Others" with Nicole Kidman to be terrifying in the classic, old-school scary movie sense. It wasn't over-the-top with gore and guts, but it got right into your psyche, which to me is scarier than any gore-fest. I tend to find myself ooh-ing and aah-ing at the cool effects in the gorier movies, but I'm rarely scared by them.

I love scary movies but I'm not really thrown off by them too much anymore...just enjoy them. Plus...violence. Saw, Hostel, Ring, AmmityVille. Showgirls.
When a Stranger Calls. There's a remake coming out pretty soon.

"Have you checked the children?"
jdinca said:
When a Stranger Calls. There's a remake coming out pretty soon.

"Have you checked the children?"

I've been curious of that one. Remake? Dindn't know that.

Seems to be a handfull of scary condidates coming out soon.
SPICE WORLD!!!...... but I side with shirt ripper, nothing in a movie is scary, cause its a movie. Thrillers have some close moments. The anime Perfect Blue would be a really scary one for alot of people if it was real, because that is one movie that has Hichcock qualities to it.
I don't like anything gorey anymore. I mostly like the psych thrillers- or Hitchcock. For some reason, I'm prone to nightmares when it comes to gore (even though I know they aren't real, etc.)- unless I watch a comedy afterwards. Gore doesn't scare me, just grosses me out. The freakiest one I can think of is "War of the Worlds". Great movie, though!
I thought the ring and the grudge were both scary when i watched them. But the one that really did me was the blair witch project. No one else agrees, but i got so hyped up for it before watching it, i felt pumped even when it was starting off in the cinema and i felt sick by the time all the scary stuff was going down. I actually felt relieved when it was over.
I told my mate this and he says it wasn't that bad, but then he watched it in the middle of the day on a 14" television. Obviously it doesn't really compare to the cinema. I guess its down to the frame of mind you're in, if you really get into it you sort of scare yourself with your imagination.

Another one that sounds silly but stuck with me is 6th sense. I know its not terrifying, but afterwards it'd sometimes pop into my mind in the middle of the night, when i was in my girlfriends big old house on toilet trips! I guess I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to horror films, my wildly overactive imagination kicks in!
swiftpete said:
Another one that sounds silly but stuck with me is 6th sense. I know its not terrifying, but afterwards it'd sometimes pop into my mind in the middle of the night, when i was in my girlfriends big old house on toilet trips! I guess I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to horror films, my wildly overactive imagination kicks in!

Once after watching some old scary film at a friends house (which was supposedly haunted), I had to make the trip too. All of the sudden, the lights went out. I was quite literally ready to leave the restroom- pants undone and all :xtrmshock! That's when my better instincts kicked in, and just turned on the other set of lights in there :p. At least that's when I was 12.
I'm voting for The Exorcist (the original, no pathetic sequels please). I know adults who still won't watch it after seeing it in their younger days.
terryl965 said:
I too the EXORCISE it was way before it time.

I forgot about that one - maybe because it was so scary! Yes, that's my number one, I think.
Yup I totally forgot about the exorcist too. That was pretty scary, I remember watching that one Halloween when I slept over at a friend's house. I must have been about 10 or so and his older brother rented the video, man I didnt want to sleep in my room for about month after watching that.

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